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TR Concordance for ἐπὶ

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ἐπὶ — 662x G1909 ἐπί
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Occurrences: 662 times in 598 verses
Speech: Preposition
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 1:11 - and Josi'ah the father of Jechoniah and his brothers, at the time of the deportation to Babylon.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 2:22 - But when he heard that Archelaus reigned over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there, and being warned in a dream he withdrew to the district of Galilee.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 3:7 - But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sad'ducees coming for baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 3:13 - Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 4:4 - But he answered, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 4:5 - Then the devil took him to the holy city, and set him on the pinnacle of the temple,
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 4:6 - and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written, 'He will give his angels charge of you,' and 'On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.'"
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 5:15 - Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 5:23 - So if you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you,
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 5:45 - so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 6:10 - Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 6:19 - "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal,
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 6:27 - And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life?
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 7:24 - "Every one then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock;
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 7:25 - and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 7:26 - And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand;
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 7:28 - And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching,
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 9:2 - And behold, they brought to him a paralytic, lying on his bed; and when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic, "Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 9:6 - But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins "--he then said to the paralytic--"Rise, take up your bed and go home."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 9:9 - As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office; and he said to him, "Follow me." And he rose and followed him.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 9:16 - And no one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch tears away from the garment, and a worse tear is made.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 10:18 - and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them and the Gentiles.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 10:21 - Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death;
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 10:27 - What I tell you in the dark, utter in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim upon the housetops.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 10:29 - Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's will.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 10:34 - "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 12:49 - And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers!
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 13:2 - And great crowds gathered about him, so that he got into a boat and sat there; and the whole crowd stood on the beach.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 13:5 - Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they had not much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil,
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 13:7 - Other seeds fell upon thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 13:8 - Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 13:20 - As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy;
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 13:23 - As for what was sown on good soil, this is he who hears the word and understands it; he indeed bears fruit, and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 13:48 - when it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into vessels but threw away the bad.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 14:8 - Prompted by her mother, she said, "Give me the head of John the Baptist here on a platter."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 14:11 - and his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 14:19 - Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass; and taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 14:25 - And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 14:26 - But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 14:28 - And Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you, bid me come to you on the water."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 14:29 - He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus;
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 15:32 - Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days, and have nothing to eat; and I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 15:35 - And commanding the crowd to sit down on the ground,
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 16:18 - And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 16:19 - I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 17:6 - When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces, and were filled with awe.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 18:5 - "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me;
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 18:6 - but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 18:12 - What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 18:13 - And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 18:16 - But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 18:18 - Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 18:19 - Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 19:9 - And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for unchastity, and marries another, commits adultery."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 19:28 - Jesus said to them, "Truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of man shall sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 21:5 - "Tell the daughter of Zion, Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on an ass, and on a colt, the foal of an ass."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 21:19 - And seeing a fig tree by the wayside he went to it, and found nothing on it but leaves only. And he said to it, "May no fruit ever come from you again!" And the fig tree withered at once.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 21:44 - Other ancient authorities insert verse 44, "And he who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; but when it falls on any one, it will crush him."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 22:9 - Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.'
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 22:33 - And when the crowd heard it, they were astonished at his teaching.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 22:34 - But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sad'ducees, they came together.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 23:4 - They bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with their finger.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 23:9 - And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 23:35 - that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of innocent Abel to the blood of Zechari'ah the son of Barachi'ah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 23:36 - Truly, I say to you, all this will come upon this generation.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 24:2 - But he answered them, "You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another, that will not be thrown down."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 24:3 - As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?"
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 24:5 - For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 24:7 - For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places:
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 24:17 - let him who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in his house;
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 24:30 - then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory;
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 24:33 - So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 24:45 - "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time?
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 24:47 - Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 25:21 - His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master.'
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 25:23 - His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master.'
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 25:31 - "When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 26:7 - a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head, as he sat at table.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 26:12 - In pouring this ointment on my body she has done it to prepare me for burial.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 26:39 - And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 26:50 - Jesus said to him, "Friend, why are you here?" Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 26:55 - At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I sat in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 26:64 - Jesus said to him, "You have said so. But I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son of man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 27:19 - Besides, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him, "Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much over him today in a dream."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 27:25 - And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!"
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 27:29 - and plaiting a crown of thorns they put it on his head, and put a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him they mocked him, saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!"
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 27:35 - And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments among them by casting lots;
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 27:43 - He trusts in God; let God deliver him now, if he desires him; for he said, 'I am the Son of God.'"
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 27:45 - Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 28:14 - And if this comes to the governor's ears, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble."
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 28:18 - And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 1:22 - And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 2:10 - But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins" --he said to the paralytic--
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 2:14 - And as he passed on, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office, and he said to him, "Follow me." And he rose and followed him.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 2:21 - No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; if he does, the patch tears away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear is made.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 2:26 - how he entered the house of God, when Abi'athar was high priest, and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and also gave it to those who were with him?"
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 3:5 - And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and his hand was restored.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:1 - Again he began to teach beside the sea. And a very large crowd gathered about him, so that he got into a boat and sat in it on the sea; and the whole crowd was beside the sea on the land.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:5 - Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it had not much soil, and immediately it sprang up, since it had no depth of soil;
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:16 - And these in like manner are the ones sown upon rocky ground, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy;
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:20 - But those that were sown upon the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold."
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:21 - And he said to them, "Is a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed, and not on a stand?
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:26 - And he said, "The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed upon the ground,
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:31 - It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth;
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:38 - But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him and said to him, "Teacher, do you not care if we perish?"
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:25 - And she came in immediately with haste to the king, and asked, saying, "I want you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist on a platter."
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:28 - and brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the girl; and the girl gave it to her mother.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:39 - Then he commanded them all to sit down by companies upon the green grass.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:47 - And when evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:48 - And he saw that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. He meant to pass by them,
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:49 - but when they saw him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost, and cried out;
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:52 - for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:53 - And when they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennes'aret, and moored to the shore.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:55 - and ran about the whole neighborhood and began to bring sick people on their pallets to any place where they heard he was.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 7:30 - And she went home, and found the child lying in bed, and the demon gone.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 8:2 - "I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days, and have nothing to eat;
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 8:6 - And he commanded the crowd to sit down on the ground; and he took the seven loaves, and having given thanks he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and they set them before the crowd.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 8:25 - Then again he laid his hands upon his eyes; and he looked intently and was restored, and saw everything clearly.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 9:3 - and his garments became glistening, intensely white, as no fuller on earth could bleach them.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 9:12 - And he said to them, "Eli'jah does come first to restore all things; and how is it written of the Son of man, that he should suffer many things and be treated with contempt?
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 9:20 - And they brought the boy to him; and when the spirit saw him, immediately it convulsed the boy, and he fell on the ground and rolled about, foaming at the mouth.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 9:37 - "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me."
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 9:39 - But Jesus said, "Do not forbid him; for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon after to speak evil of me.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 10:22 - At that saying his countenance fell, and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 10:24 - And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 11:4 - And they went away, and found a colt tied at the door out in the open street; and they untied it.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 11:18 - And the chief priests and the scribes heard it and sought a way to destroy him; for they feared him, because all the multitude was astonished at his teaching.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 12:26 - And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the passage about the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'?
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 13:2 - And Jesus said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another, that will not be thrown down."
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 13:6 - Many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he!' and they will lead many astray.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 13:8 - For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places, there will be famines; this is but the beginning of the birth-pangs.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 13:9 - "But take heed to yourselves; for they will deliver you up to councils; and you will be beaten in synagogues; and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 13:12 - And brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death;
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 13:15 - let him who is on the housetop not go down, nor enter his house, to take anything away;
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 13:29 - So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 14:35 - And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 14:48 - And Jesus said to them, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me?
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 14:51 - And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body; and they seized him,
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 15:1 - And as soon as it was morning the chief priests, with the elders and scribes, and the whole council held a consultation; and they bound Jesus and led him away and delivered him to Pilate.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 15:22 - And they brought him to the place called Gol'gotha (which means the place of a skull).
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 15:46 - And he bought a linen shroud, and taking him down, wrapped him in the linen shroud, and laid him in a tomb which had been hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 16:2 - And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when the sun had risen.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 16:18 - they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:14 - And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:16 - And he will turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:17 - and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Eli'jah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:29 - But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered in her mind what sort of greeting this might be.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:33 - and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there will be no end."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:35 - And the angel said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:47 - and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:48 - for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:59 - And on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child; and they would have named him Zechari'ah after his father,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:65 - And fear came on all their neighbors. And all these things were talked about through all the hill country of Judea;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:8 - And in that region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:14 - "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!"
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:20 - And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:33 - And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:47 - and all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 3:2 - in the high-priesthood of Annas and Ca'iaphas, the word of God came to John the son of Zechari'ah in the wilderness;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 3:20 - added this to them all, that he shut up John in prison.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 4:4 - And Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'"
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 4:9 - And he took him to Jerusalem, and set him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 4:22 - And all spoke well of him, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth; and they said, "Is not this Joseph's son?"
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 4:25 - But in truth, I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Eli'jah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when there came a great famine over all the land;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 4:27 - And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Eli'sha; and none of them was cleansed, but only Na'aman the Syrian."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 4:32 - and they were astonished at his teaching, for his word was with authority.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 4:36 - And they were all amazed and said to one another, "What is this word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:5 - And Simon answered, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:9 - For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the catch of fish which they had taken;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:11 - And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:12 - While he was in one of the cities, there came a man full of leprosy; and when he saw Jesus, he fell on his face and besought him, "Lord, if you will, you can make me clean."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:18 - And behold, men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed, and they sought to bring him in and lay him before Jesus;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:19 - but finding no way to bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:24 - But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins" --he said to the man who was paralyzed--"I say to you, rise, take up your bed and go home."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:27 - After this he went out, and saw a tax collector, named Levi, sitting at the tax office; and he said to him, "Follow me."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:36 - He told them a parable also: "No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it upon an old garment; if he does, he will tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:17 - And he came down with them and stood on a level place, with a great crowd of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the seacoast of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:29 - To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from him who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:35 - But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:48 - he is like a man building a house, who dug deep, and laid the foundation upon rock; and when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house, and could not shake it, because it had been well built.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:49 - But he who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation; against which the stream broke, and immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 7:44 - Then turning toward the woman he said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I entered your house, you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 8:6 - And some fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 8:8 - And some fell into good soil and grew, and yielded a hundredfold." As he said this, he called out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 8:13 - And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy; but these have no root, they believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 8:16 - "No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, that those who enter may see the light.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 8:27 - And as he stepped out on land, there met him a man from the city who had demons; for a long time he had worn no clothes, and he lived not in a house but among the tombs.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:1 - And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:38 - And behold, a man from the crowd cried, "Teacher, I beg you to look upon my son, for he is my only child;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:43 - And all were astonished at the majesty of God. But while they were all marveling at everything he did, he said to his disciples,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:48 - and said to them, "Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me; for he who is least among you all is the one who is great."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:49 - John answered, "Master, we saw a man casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he does not follow with us."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 10:19 - Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 10:34 - and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; then he set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 10:35 - And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.'
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 11:2 - And he said to them, "When you pray, say: "Father, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 11:17 - But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 11:33 - "No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a bushel, but on a stand, that those who enter may see the light.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 12:3 - Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 12:11 - And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious how or what you are to answer or what you are to say;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 12:25 - And which of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his span of life?
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 12:42 - And the Lord said, "Who then is the faithful and wise steward, whom his master will set over his household, to give them their portion of food at the proper time?
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 12:44 - Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 12:52 - for henceforth in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 12:53 - they will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against her mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 13:17 - As he said this, all his adversaries were put to shame; and all the people rejoiced at all the glorious things that were done by him.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 15:4 - "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost, until he finds it?
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 15:5 - And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 15:7 - Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 15:10 - Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 15:20 - And he arose and came to his father. But while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 16:26 - And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.'
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 17:4 - and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, and says, 'I repent,' you must forgive him."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 17:16 - and he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 17:31 - On that day, let him who is on the housetop, with his goods in the house, not come down to take them away; and likewise let him who is in the field not turn back.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 17:34 - I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other left.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 17:35 - There will be two women grinding together; one will be taken and the other left."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 18:4 - For a while he refused; but afterward he said to himself, 'Though I neither fear God nor regard man,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 18:8 - I tell you, he will vindicate them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?"
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 19:4 - So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 19:5 - And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchae'us, make haste and come down; for I must stay at your house today."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 19:23 - Why then did you not put my money into the bank, and at my coming I should have collected it with interest?'
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 19:35 - And they brought it to Jesus, and throwing their garments on the colt they set Jesus upon it.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 19:43 - For the days shall come upon you, when your enemies will cast up a bank about you and surround you, and hem you in on every side,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 19:44 - and dash you to the ground, you and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another in you; because you did not know the time of your visitation."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 20:26 - And they were not able in the presence of the people to catch him by what he said; but marveling at his answer they were silent.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 20:37 - But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed, in the passage about the bush, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 21:6 - "As for these things which you see, the days will come when there shall not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 21:8 - And he said, "Take heed that you are not led astray; for many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he!' and, 'The time is at hand!' Do not go after them.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 21:10 - Then he said to them, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 21:12 - But before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name's sake.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 21:23 - Alas for those who are with child and for those who give suck in those days! For great distress shall be upon the earth and wrath upon this people;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 21:25 - "And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 21:35 - for it will come upon all who dwell upon the face of the whole earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 22:21 - But behold the hand of him who betrays me is with me on the table.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 22:30 - that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 22:40 - And when he came to the place he said to them, "Pray that you may not enter into temptation."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 22:44 - Other ancient authorities insert add 44, And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and this sweat became like great drops of blood falling down upon the ground.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 22:52 - Then Jesus said to the chief priests and officers of the temple and elders, who had come out against him, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 23:1 - Then the whole company of them arose, and brought him before Pilate.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 23:28 - But Jesus turning to them said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 23:33 - And when they came to the place which is called The Skull, there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on the right and one on the left.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 23:48 - And all the multitudes who assembled to see the sight, when they saw what had taken place, returned home beating their breasts.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:1 - But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices which they had prepared.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:12 - Other ancient authorities add verse 12, But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stopping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home wondering at what had happened.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:22 - Moreover, some women of our company amazed us. They were at the tomb early in the morning
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:24 - Some of those who were with us went to the tomb, and found it just as the women had said; but him they did not see."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:25 - And he said to them, "O foolish men, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:47 - and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 1:51 - And he said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man."
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 4:6 - Jacob's well was there, and so Jesus, wearied as he was with his journey, sat down beside the well. It was about the sixth hour.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 4:27 - Just then his disciples came. They marveled that he was talking with a woman, but none said, "What do you wish?" or, "Why are you talking with her?"
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 5:2 - Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Hebrew called Beth-za'tha, which has five porticoes.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 6:2 - And a multitude followed him, because they saw the signs which he did on those who were diseased.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 6:16 - When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea,
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 6:19 - When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat. They were frightened,
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 6:21 - Then they were glad to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 9:6 - As he said this, he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and anointed the man's eyes with the clay,
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 9:15 - The Pharisees again asked him how he had received his sight. And he said to them, "He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see."
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 12:15 - "Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on an ass's colt!"
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 13:25 - So lying thus, close to the breast of Jesus, he said to him, "Lord, who is it?"
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 17:4 - I glorified thee on earth, having accomplished the work which thou gavest me to do;
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 19:13 - When Pilate heard these words, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judgment seat at a place called The Pavement, and in Hebrew, Gab'batha.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 19:19 - Pilate also wrote a title and put it on the cross; it read, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews."
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 19:24 - so they said to one another, "Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it to see whose it shall be." This was to fulfil the scripture, "They parted my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots."
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 19:31 - Since it was the day of Preparation, in order to prevent the bodies from remaining on the cross on the sabbath (for that sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 19:33 - but when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 20:7 - and the napkin, which had been on his head, not lying with the linen cloths but rolled up in a place by itself.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 21:1 - After this Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tibe'ri-as; and he revealed himself in this way.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 21:11 - So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three of them; and although there were so many, the net was not torn.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 21:20 - Peter turned and saw following them the disciple whom Jesus loved, who had lain close to his breast at the supper and had said, "Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?"
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 1:15 - In those days Peter stood up among the brethren (the company of persons was in all about a hundred and twenty), and said,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 1:26 - And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthi'as; and he was enrolled with the eleven apostles.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 2:1 - When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 2:17 - 'And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 2:18 - yea, and on my menservants and my maidservants in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 2:19 - And I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth beneath, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke;
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 2:30 - Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his descendants upon his throne,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 2:38 - And Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 2:44 - And all who believed were together and had all things in common;
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 3:1 - Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 3:10 - and recognized him as the one who sat for alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 3:11 - While he clung to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the portico called Solomon's, astounded.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 3:12 - And when Peter saw it he addressed the people, "Men of Israel, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we had made him walk?
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 3:16 - And his name, by faith in his name, has made this man strong whom you see and know; and the faith which is through Jesus has given the man this perfect health in the presence of you all.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:5 - On the morrow their rulers and elders and scribes were gathered together in Jerusalem,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:9 - if we are being examined today concerning a good deed done to a cripple, by what means this man has been healed,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:17 - But in order that it may spread no further among the people, let us warn them to speak no more to any one in this name."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:18 - So they called them and charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:21 - And when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way to punish them, because of the people; for all men praised God for what had happened.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:26 - The kings of the earth set themselves in array, and the rulers were gathered together, against the Lord and against his Anointed'--
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:27 - for truly in this city there were gathered together against thy holy servant Jesus, whom thou didst anoint, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:29 - And now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:33 - And with great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:5 - When Anani'as heard these words, he fell down and died. And great fear came upon all who heard of it.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:9 - But Peter said to her, "How is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Hark, the feet of those that have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:11 - And great fear came upon the whole church, and upon all who heard of these things.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:15 - so that they even carried out the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and pallets, that as Peter came by at least his shadow might fall on some of them.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:18 - they arrested the apostles and put them in the common prison.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:28 - saying, "We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you intend to bring this man's blood upon us."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:30 - The God of our fathers raised Jesus whom you killed by hanging him on a tree.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:35 - And he said to them, "Men of Israel, take care what you do with these men.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:40 - So they took his advice, and when they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 6:3 - Therefore, brethren, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint to this duty.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 7:23 - "When he was forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren, the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 8:1 - And Saul was consenting to his death. And on that day a great persecution arose against the church in Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the region of Judea and Sama'ria, except the apostles.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 8:26 - But an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." This is a desert road.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 8:27 - And he rose and went. And behold, an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a minister of the Can'dace, queen of the Ethiopians, in charge of all her treasure, had come to Jerusalem to worship
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 8:28 - and was returning; seated in his chariot, he was reading the prophet Isaiah.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 8:32 - Now the passage of the scripture which he was reading was this: "As a sheep led to the slaughter or a lamb before its shearer is dumb, so he opens not his mouth.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:4 - And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:11 - And the Lord said to him, "Rise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for a man of Tarsus named Saul; for behold, he is praying,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:21 - And all who heard him were amazed, and said, "Is not this the man who made havoc in Jerusalem of those who called on this name? And he has come here for this purpose, to bring them bound before the chief priests."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:33 - There he found a man named Aene'as, who had been bedridden for eight years and was paralyzed.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:35 - And all the residents of Lydda and Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:42 - And it became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:9 - The next day, as they were on their journey and coming near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:11 - and saw the heaven opened, and something descending, like a great sheet, let down by four corners upon the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:16 - This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:17 - Now while Peter was inwardly perplexed as to what the vision which he had seen might mean, behold, the men that were sent by Cornelius, having made inquiry for Simon's house, stood before the gate
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:25 - When Peter entered, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped him.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:39 - And we are witnesses to all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree;
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:44 - While Peter was still saying this, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:45 - And the believers from among the circumcised who came with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 11:10 - This happened three times, and all was drawn up again into heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 11:11 - At that very moment three men arrived at the house in which we were, sent to me from Caesare'a.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 11:17 - If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God?"
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 11:19 - Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoeni'cia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to none except Jews.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 11:21 - And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number that believed turned to the Lord.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 11:28 - And one of them named Ag'abus stood up and foretold by the Spirit that there would be a great famine over all the world; and this took place in the days of Claudius.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 12:10 - When they had passed the first and the second guard, they came to the iron gate leading into the city. It opened to them of its own accord, and they went out and passed on through one street; and immediately the angel left him.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 12:12 - When he realized this, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose other name was Mark, where many were gathered together and were praying.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 12:20 - Now Herod was angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon; and they came to him in a body, and having persuaded Blastus, the king's chamberlain, they asked for peace, because their country depended on the king's country for food.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 12:21 - On an appointed day Herod put on his royal robes, took his seat upon the throne, and made an oration to them.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 13:11 - And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind and unable to see the sun for a time." Immediately mist and darkness fell upon him and he went about seeking people to lead him by the hand.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 13:12 - Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had occurred, for he was astonished at the teaching of the Lord.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 13:31 - and for many days he appeared to those who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses to the people.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 13:50 - But the Jews incited the devout women of high standing and the leading men of the city, and stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 14:3 - So they remained for a long time, speaking boldly for the Lord, who bore witness to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 14:10 - said in a loud voice, "Stand upright on your feet." And he sprang up and walked.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 14:13 - And the priest of Zeus, whose temple was in front of the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates and wanted to offer sacrifice with the people.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 14:15 - "Men, why are you doing this? We also are men, of like nature with you, and bring you good news, that you should turn from these vain things to a living God who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 15:10 - Now therefore why do you make trial of God by putting a yoke upon the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 15:14 - Simeon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 15:19 - Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 15:31 - And when they read it, they rejoiced at the exhortation.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 16:18 - And this she did for many days. But Paul was annoyed, and turned and said to the spirit, "I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her." And it came out that very hour.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 16:19 - But when her owners saw that their hope of gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the market place before the rulers;
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 16:31 - And they said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 17:2 - And Paul went in, as was his custom, and for three weeks he argued with them from the scriptures,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 17:6 - And when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brethren before the city authorities, crying, "These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 17:14 - Then the brethren immediately sent Paul off on his way to the sea, but Silas and Timothy remained there.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 17:19 - And they took hold of him and brought him to the Are-op'agus, saying, "May we know what this new teaching is which you present?
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 17:26 - And he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 18:6 - And when they opposed and reviled him, he shook out his garments and said to them, "Your blood be upon your heads! I am innocent. From now on I will go to the Gentiles."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 18:12 - But when Gallio was proconsul of Acha'ia, the Jews made a united attack upon Paul and brought him before the tribunal,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 18:20 - When they asked him to stay for a longer period, he declined;
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:8 - And he entered the synagogue and for three months spoke boldly, arguing and pleading about the kingdom of God;
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:10 - This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:12 - so that handkerchiefs or aprons were carried away from his body to the sick, and diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:13 - Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to pronounce the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, "I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:17 - And this became known to all residents of Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks; and fear fell upon them all; and the name of the Lord Jesus was extolled.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:34 - But when they recognized that he was a Jew, for about two hours they all with one voice cried out, "Great is Ar'temis of the Ephesians!"
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 20:9 - And a young man named Eu'tychus was sitting in the window. He sank into a deep sleep as Paul talked still longer; and being overcome by sleep, he fell down from the third story and was taken up dead.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 20:13 - But going ahead to the ship, we set sail for Assos, intending to take Paul aboard there; for so he had arranged, intending himself to go by land.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 20:37 - And they all wept and embraced Paul and kissed him,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 20:38 - sorrowing most of all because of the word he had spoken, that they should see his face no more. And they brought him to the ship.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 21:5 - And when our days there were ended, we departed and went on our journey; and they all, with wives and children, brought us on our way till we were outside the city; and kneeling down on the beach we prayed and bade one another farewell.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 21:35 - And when he came to the steps, he was actually carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the crowd;
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 21:40 - And when he had given him leave, Paul, standing on the steps, motioned with his hand to the people; and when there was a great hush, he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, saying:
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 22:19 - And I said, 'Lord, they themselves know that in every synagogue I imprisoned and beat those who believed in thee.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 23:30 - And when it was disclosed to me that there would be a plot against the man, I sent him to you at once, ordering his accusers also to state before you what they have against him."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 24:4 - But, to detain you no further, I beg you in your kindness to hear us briefly.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 24:19 - they ought to be here before you and to make an accusation, if they have anything against me.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 24:20 - Or else let these men themselves say what wrongdoing they found when I stood before the council,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 25:6 - When he had stayed among them not more than eight or ten days, he went down to Caesare'a; and the next day he took his seat on the tribunal and ordered Paul to be brought.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 25:12 - Then Festus, when he had conferred with his council, answered, "You have appealed to Caesar; to Caesar you shall go."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 25:17 - When therefore they came together here, I made no delay, but on the next day took my seat on the tribunal and ordered the man to be brought in.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 25:26 - But I have nothing definite to write to my lord about him. Therefore I have brought him before you, and, especially before you, King Agrippa, that, after we have examined him, I may have something to write.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 26:2 - "I think myself fortunate that it is before you, King Agrippa, I am to make my defense today against all the accusations of the Jews,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 26:16 - But rise and stand upon your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you to serve and bear witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 26:18 - to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 26:20 - but declared first to those at Damascus, then at Jerusalem and throughout all the country of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God and perform deeds worthy of their repentance.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 27:20 - And when neither sun nor stars appeared for many a day, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope of our being saved was at last abandoned.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 27:43 - but the centurion, wishing to save Paul, kept them from carrying out their purpose. He ordered those who could swim to throw themselves overboard first and make for the land,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 27:44 - and the rest on planks or on pieces of the ship. And so it was that all escaped to land.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 28:3 - Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and put them on the fire, when a viper came out because of the heat and fastened on his hand.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 28:6 - They waited, expecting him to swell up or suddenly fall down dead; but when they had waited a long time and saw no misfortune come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 1:9 - For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I mention you always in my prayers,
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 2:2 - We know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who do such things.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 2:9 - There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek,
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 3:22 - the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction;
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 4:5 - And to one who does not work but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 4:9 - Is this blessing pronounced only upon the circumcised, or also upon the uncircumcised? We say that faith was reckoned to Abraham as righteousness.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 4:24 - but for ours also. It will be reckoned to us who believe in him that raised from the dead Jesus our Lord,
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 5:14 - Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sins were not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 9:5 - to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ. God who is over all be blessed for ever. Amen.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 9:23 - in order to make known the riches of his glory for the vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory,
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 9:28 - for the Lord will execute his sentence upon the earth with rigor and dispatch."
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 10:19 - Again I ask, did Israel not understand? First Moses says, "I will make you jealous of those who are not a nation; with a foolish nation I will make you angry."
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 11:22 - Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 12:20 - No, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head."
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 1:4 - I give thanks to God always for you because of the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus,
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 2:9 - But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him,"
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 3:12 - Now if any one builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw--
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 6:1 - When one of you has a grievance against a brother, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints?
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 6:6 - but brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers?
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 7:5 - Do not refuse one another except perhaps by agreement for a season, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, lest Satan tempt you through lack of self-control.
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 7:36 - If any one thinks that he is not behaving properly toward his betrothed, if his passions are strong, and it has to be, let him do as he wishes: let them marry--it is no sin.
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 8:5 - For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth--as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords"--
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 8:11 - And so by your knowledge this weak man is destroyed, the brother for whom Christ died.
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 11:10 - That is why a woman ought to have a veil on her head, because of the angels.
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 11:20 - When you meet together, it is not the Lord's supper that you eat.
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 13:6 - it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 14:16 - Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how can any one in the position of an outsider say the "Amen" to your thanksgiving when he does not know what you are saying?
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 14:23 - If, therefore, the whole church assembles and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are mad?
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 14:25 - the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 16:17 - I rejoice at the coming of Steph'anas and Fortuna'tus and Acha'icus, because they have made up for your absence;
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 1:4 - who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 1:9 - Why, we felt that we had received the sentence of death; but that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead;
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 1:23 - But I call God to witness against me--it was to spare you that I refrained from coming to Corinth.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 2:3 - And I wrote as I did, so that when I came I might not suffer pain from those who should have made me rejoice, for I felt sure of all of you, that my joy would be the joy of you all.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 3:13 - not like Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not see the end of the fading splendor.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 3:14 - But their minds were hardened; for to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 3:15 - Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their minds;
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 7:4 - I have great confidence in you; I have great pride in you; I am filled with comfort. With all our affliction, I am overjoyed.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 7:13 - Therefore we are comforted. And besides our own comfort we rejoiced still more at the joy of Titus, because his mind has been set at rest by you all.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 7:14 - For if I have expressed to him some pride in you, I was not put to shame; but just as everything we said to you was true, so our boasting before Titus has proved true.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 9:13 - Under the test of this service, you will glorify God by your obedience in acknowledging the gospel of Christ, and by the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others;
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 9:15 - Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 12:21 - I fear that when I come again my God may humble me before you, and I may have to mourn over many of those who sinned before and have not repented of the impurity, immorality, and licentiousness which they have practiced.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 13:1 - This is the third time I am coming to you. Any charge must be sustained by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
Unchecked Copy BoxGal 3:13 - Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us--for it is written, "Cursed be every one who hangs on a tree"--
Unchecked Copy BoxGal 3:16 - Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many; but, referring to one, "And to your offspring," which is Christ.
Unchecked Copy BoxGal 4:9 - but now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly elemental spirits, whose slaves you want to be once more?
Unchecked Copy BoxGal 6:16 - Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule, upon the Israel of God.
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 1:10 - as a plan for the fulness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 1:16 - I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 2:10 - For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 2:20 - built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone,
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 3:15 - from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named,
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 4:6 - one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all.
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 4:26 - Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 5:6 - Let no one deceive you with empty words, for it is because of these things that the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 6:3 - "that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth."
Unchecked Copy BoxEph 6:16 - besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one.
Unchecked Copy BoxPhl 1:3 - I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,
Unchecked Copy BoxPhl 1:5 - thankful for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.
Unchecked Copy BoxPhl 2:17 - Even if I am to be poured as a libation upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.
Unchecked Copy BoxPhl 2:27 - Indeed he was ill, near to death. But God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.
Unchecked Copy BoxPhl 3:9 - and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, based on law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith;
Unchecked Copy BoxPhl 3:14 - I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Unchecked Copy BoxCol 1:16 - for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities--all things were created through him and for him.
Unchecked Copy BoxCol 1:20 - and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.
Unchecked Copy BoxCol 3:2 - Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxCol 3:5 - Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
Unchecked Copy BoxCol 3:6 - On account of these the wrath of God is coming.
Unchecked Copy BoxCol 3:14 - And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
Unchecked Copy Box1Th 1:2 - We give thanks to God always for you all, constantly mentioning you in our prayers,
Unchecked Copy Box1Th 3:7 - for this reason, brethren, in all our distress and affliction we have been comforted about you through your faith;
Unchecked Copy Box1Th 3:9 - For what thanksgiving can we render to God for you, for all the joy which we feel for your sake before our God,
Unchecked Copy Box1Th 4:7 - For God has not called us for uncleanness, but in holiness.
Unchecked Copy Box2Th 2:4 - who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ti 1:18 - This charge I commit to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophetic utterances which pointed to you, that inspired by them you may wage the good warfare,
Unchecked Copy Box1Ti 4:10 - For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ti 5:5 - She who is a real widow, and is left all alone, has set her hope on God and continues in supplications and prayers night and day;
Unchecked Copy Box1Ti 5:19 - Never admit any charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ti 6:13 - In the presence of God who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession,
Unchecked Copy Box1Ti 6:17 - As for the rich in this world, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on uncertain riches but on God who richly furnishes us with everything to enjoy.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ti 2:14 - Remind them of this, and charge them before the Lord to avoid disputing about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ti 2:16 - Avoid such godless chatter, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ti 3:9 - but they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ti 3:13 - while evil men and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ti 4:4 - and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.
Unchecked Copy BoxPhm 1:4 - I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers,
Unchecked Copy BoxPhm 1:7 - For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 2:7 - Thou didst make him for a little while lower than the angels, thou hast crowned him with glory and honor,
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 3:6 - but Christ was faithful over God's house as a son. And we are his house if we hold fast our confidence and pride in our hope.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 6:1 - Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 8:1 - Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven,
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 8:4 - Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 8:6 - But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry which is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 8:8 - For he finds fault with them when he says: "The days will come, says the Lord, when I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah;
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 8:10 - This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 9:10 - but deal only with food and drink and various ablutions, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 9:15 - Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred which redeems them from the transgressions under the first covenant.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 9:17 - For a will takes effect only at death, since it is not in force as long as the one who made it is alive.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 9:26 - for then he would have had to suffer repeatedly since the foundation of the world. But as it is, he has appeared once for all at the end of the age to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 10:16 - "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds,"
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 10:21 - and since we have a great priest over the house of God,
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 10:28 - A man who has violated the law of Moses dies without mercy at the testimony of two or three witnesses.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 11:4 - By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he received approval as righteous, God bearing witness by accepting his gifts; he died, but through his faith he is still speaking.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 11:13 - These all died in faith, not having received what was promised, but having seen it and greeted it from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 11:21 - By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, bowing in worship over the head of his staff.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 11:30 - By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 12:10 - For they disciplined us for a short time at their pleasure, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 12:25 - See that you do not refuse him who is speaking. For if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less shall we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxJas 2:3 - and you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, "Have a seat here, please," while you say to the poor man, "Stand there," or, "Sit at my feet,"
Unchecked Copy BoxJas 2:21 - Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar?
Unchecked Copy BoxJas 5:1 - Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJas 5:5 - You have lived on the earth in luxury and in pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.
Unchecked Copy BoxJas 5:17 - Eli'jah was a man of like nature with ourselves and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth.
Unchecked Copy Box1Pe 1:13 - Therefore gird up your minds, be sober, set your hope fully upon the grace that is coming to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Unchecked Copy Box1Pe 2:24 - He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.
Unchecked Copy Box1Pe 2:25 - For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.
Unchecked Copy Box1Pe 3:5 - So once the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves and were submissive to their husbands,
Unchecked Copy Box1Pe 3:12 - For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those that do evil."
Unchecked Copy Box2Pe 2:22 - It has happened to them according to the true proverb, The dog turns back to his own vomit, and the sow is washed only to wallow in the mire.
Unchecked Copy Box3Jo 1:10 - So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, prating against me with evil words. And not content with that, he refuses himself to welcome the brethren, and also stops those who want to welcome them and puts them out of the church.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 1:20 - As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 2:17 - He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.'
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 2:26 - He who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, I will give him power over the nations,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 3:3 - Remember then what you received and heard; keep that, and repent. If you will not awake, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come upon you.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 3:10 - Because you have kept my word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial which is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell upon the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 4:2 - At once I was in the Spirit, and lo, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne!
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 4:4 - Round the throne were twenty-four thrones, and seated on the thrones were twenty-four elders, clad in white garments, with golden crowns upon their heads.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 4:9 - And whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to him who is seated on the throne, who lives for ever and ever,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 4:10 - the twenty-four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever; they cast their crowns before the throne, singing,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 5:1 - And I saw in the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back, sealed with seven seals;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 5:3 - And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 5:7 - and he went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who was seated on the throne.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 5:10 - and hast made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on earth."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 5:13 - And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all therein, saying, "To him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might for ever and ever!"
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 6:8 - And I saw, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him; and they were given power over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 6:10 - they cried out with a loud voice, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?"
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 6:16 - calling to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 7:1 - After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on earth or sea or against any tree.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 7:3 - saying, "Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God upon their foreheads."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 7:10 - and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb!"
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 7:11 - And all the angels stood round the throne and round the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 7:15 - Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night within his temple; and he who sits upon the throne will shelter them with his presence.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 7:17 - For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water; and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 8:3 - And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 8:10 - The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the fountains of water.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 8:13 - Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice, as it flew in midheaven, "Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets which the three angels are about to blow!"
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 9:4 - they were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green growth or any tree, but only those of mankind who have not the seal of God upon their foreheads;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 9:7 - In appearance the locusts were like horses arrayed for battle; on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces were like human faces,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 9:14 - saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphra'tes."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 10:1 - Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, and his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 10:2 - He had a little scroll open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea, and his left foot on the land,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 10:5 - And the angel whom I saw standing on sea and land lifted up his right hand to heaven
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 10:8 - Then the voice which I had heard from heaven spoke to me again, saying, "Go, take the scroll which is open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 10:11 - And I was told, "You must again prophesy about many peoples and nations and tongues and kings."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 11:6 - They have power to shut the sky, that no rain may fall during the days of their prophesying, and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague, as often as they desire.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 11:8 - and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which is allegorically called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 11:10 - and those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and make merry and exchange presents, because these two prophets had been a torment to those who dwell on the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 11:11 - But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 11:16 - And the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 12:1 - And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 12:3 - And another portent appeared in heaven; behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems upon his heads.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 12:17 - Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus. And he stood on the sand of the sea.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 13:1 - And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems upon its horns and a blasphemous name upon its heads.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 13:7 - Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 13:8 - and all who dwell on earth will worship it, every one whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 13:14 - and by the signs which it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast, it deceives those who dwell on earth, bidding them make an image for the beast which was wounded by the sword and yet lived;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 13:16 - Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 14:1 - Then I looked, and lo, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 14:6 - Then I saw another angel flying in midheaven, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 14:9 - And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If any one worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 14:14 - Then I looked, and lo, a white cloud, and seated on the cloud one like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 14:15 - And another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to him who sat upon the cloud, "Put in your sickle, and reap, for the hour to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is fully ripe."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 14:16 - So he who sat upon the cloud swung his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 14:18 - Then another angel came out from the altar, the angel who has power over fire, and he called with a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, "Put in your sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for its grapes are ripe."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 15:2 - And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:2 - So the first angel went and poured his bowl on the earth, and foul and evil sores came upon the men who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:8 - The fourth angel poured his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch men with fire;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:9 - men were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues, and they did not repent and give him glory.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:10 - The fifth angel poured his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was in darkness; men gnawed their tongues in anguish
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:12 - The sixth angel poured his bowl on the great river Euphra'tes, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:14 - for they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:18 - And there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as had never been since men were on the earth, so great was that earthquake.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:21 - and great hailstones, heavy as a hundred-weight, dropped on men from heaven, till men cursed God for the plague of the hail, so fearful was that plague.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 17:1 - Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who is seated upon many waters,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 17:3 - And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 17:5 - and on her forehead was written a name of mystery: "Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of earth's abominations."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 17:8 - The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is to ascend from the bottomless pit and go to perdition; and the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will marvel to behold the beast, because it was and is not and is to come.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 17:16 - And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the harlot; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 17:18 - And the woman that you saw is the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 18:17 - In one hour all this wealth has been laid waste." And all shipmasters and seafaring men, sailors and all whose trade is on the sea, stood far off
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 18:19 - And they threw dust on their heads, as they wept and mourned, crying out, "Alas, alas, for the great city where all who had ships at sea grew rich by her wealth! In one hour she has been laid waste.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 18:24 - And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain on earth."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 19:4 - And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who is seated on the throne, saying, "Amen. Hallelujah!"
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 19:12 - His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems; and he has a name inscribed which no one knows but himself.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 19:16 - On his robe and on his thigh he has a name inscribed, King of kings and Lord of lords.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 19:19 - And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against him who sits upon the horse and against his army.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 19:21 - And the rest were slain by the sword of him who sits upon the horse, the sword that issues from his mouth; and all the birds were gorged with their flesh.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 20:1 - Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 20:4 - Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom judgment was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life, and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 20:6 - Blessed and holy is he who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and they shall reign with him a thousand years.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 20:9 - And they marched up over the broad earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city; but fire came down from heaven and consumed them,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 21:5 - And he who sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." Also he said, "Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 21:12 - It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 21:16 - The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its breadth; and he measured the city with his rod, twelve thousand stadia; its length and breadth and height are equal.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 22:4 - they shall see his face, and his name shall be on their foreheads.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 22:14 - Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 22:16 - "I Jesus have sent my angel to you with this testimony for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star."
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