Intro: Another possible translation perhaps closer to the idea in the original Hebrew "because the spirit excelled in Him" He had discovered the true order of life. A spirit governed life.
A. Daniel was a man of purpose. He purposed in his heart not to defile himself.
1. The kings meat offered first as sacrifice to idols.
2. Probably not killed according to Jewish law.
3. He could have given in to fleshly indulgence.
4. It is so important to have a goal in life.
a. Some just drift through life aimlessly.
b. If you don't know where you are going, you never know when you've arrived.
c. Once you have established a goal you are half way there.
5. We must purpose to live a spiritual life.
a. The desires of the flesh are strong.
b. The desires of the flesh are persistent.
c. It is the natural worldly bent, so easy to flow with the current.
1. Where is the current carrying you?
B. Daniel was a man of prayer.
1. Prayer is a recognition of the weakness of my flesh and the power of God.
a. Knowing I can't do it myself, realizing God's capability I call on Him for help.
2. Daniel prayed in times of great stress.
a. When he needed to interpret the dream.
b. When the seventy years were about expired.
3. Daniel prayed as a matter of course.
a. It was his custom to pray three times each day on a regular basis.
b. If we learn to pray even when things are not urgent, we'll have less urgent prayers.
4. Prayer is a spiritual exercise.
a. Those with excelling spirits pray.
A. Daniel was a man of prominence.
1. Chosen for the kings court.
2. Served in high positions in three realms.
3. We need men with excelling spirits to rule.
a. They are the only ones who can rule without corruption.
B. Daniel was a man of Perception.
1. He had understanding of dreams & visions.
2. In matters of wisdom & understanding 10 times better.
3. The man with excelling spirit always sees more than others.
a. He sees God's purposes behind the events.
b. Thus he does not panic or despair.
c. Whenever you see me worry, you'll know I have lost sight of God.
d. When others worried for Daniel, he did not worry for himself.
a. King's dream.
b. Lion's den.
C. Daniel was a man of power.
1. He was an instrument for good even in a pagan court.
2. The good influence of Daniel's life affected thousands.
D. He was a man greatly loved
1. "Now God had brought Daniel into favor & tender love with the prince of the eunuchs."
2. Text.
3. The angel addressed him: "O Daniel a man greatly beloved."