A Change in Our Gift Giving Process
Blue Letter Bible is now using RaiseDonors to process gifts online. RaiseDonors provides increased security and a simplified donation process.
This move to RaiseDonors requires action on the part of existing donors. If you have previously set up a donation account with us, you will need to reset your password. Doing so will instantly create a RaiseDonors account for you where you will be able to see your giving history, make changes to your profile and giving information, print statements and receipts and much more.
The video and step-by-step guide below explains this simple process.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have an existing recurring donation, please do not attempt to change your password. The process for creating new accounts in RaiseDonors for those with existing recurring gifts will be delayed as we are still waiting on information from banks and credit card companies before we can move forward. Once that process is complete, we will send all donors with an existing recurring gift a confirmation message letting them know they can move forward with the process outlined below. If you have any questions, please contact us: partners@blueletterbible.org