Intro: Today the U.S. has been raised to height & power. Why? To each of us God has given opportunity, talent, and position. Who knows whether thou art come to the Kingdom for such a tim as this.
A. Will you try to separate your interests from those of your people & your God?
1. "Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the King's house."
2. She may have thought, "I am safe."
3. Do you look at the iniquity around you & say "It doesn't matter as long as I am saved."
a. I will live my own faith & life.
b. The Church matters not if it apostasies.
B. Remember, God can do without you.
1. Enlargement & deliverance will come.
2. God's purposes shall be fullfilled.
3. The lost shall hear of Jesus Christ.
4. It may be that God will do without us.
a. It may be that God will set aside the United States as unfruitful tree - "cut it down."
b. Because the church has refused to repent He may come and fight against it with the sword of His mouth."
1. Saul set aside (would not submit).
2. Sampson set aside (lost).
C. Think of the disgrace if you fail God.
1. What if Esther had not gone before the king to speak?
A. The position that God has brought you to.
1. Salvation.
2. Raised to child of the King; walk worthy.
3. Some of you brought out of poverty to place of abundance.
B. Why has God brought you where you are?
1. For your sake that you might practice self-indulgence?
2. We are like a mesh in a net; cannot move without moving others.
a. He does not bless the hand for the hands sake but for the body's sake.
C. Consider the time of God's blessing.
1. You have been brought to faith when infidelity is growing.
2. You have been brought to full assurance when others are in doubt & trembling.
3. You have been brought to knowledge when multitudes perishing for lack of knowledge.
4. God has done this for some good purpose.
5. If God has blessed you financially, do you think you are a proprietor or steward?
A. "Who knoweth" that is what ambitious man says.
1. Louis Napoleon in prison fortress.
2. I do not desire to move your ambitions for poor thrones or honors of men.
3. Ambitious for God.
B. God may use you & bless this nation.
1. No one can know to the contrary.
a. Billy Graham.
2. No one knows the limits of the posibilities of a man should God choose to use him.
3. You say I am nothing; put the right one in front of you and you are 10; get several nothings with right one.
C. Aspire great things for God.
A. Be confident you are safe.