A. What is meant by temptation?
1. Any situation in life that draws me from my walk in the Spirit, into my flesh.
2. It is thus a proving of my faith.
B. The diverse forms it takes.
1. My greatest temptation comes when I drive.
a. A driver that pokes in the fast lane.
b. Someone who pulls in front of me, forcing me to brake, then crawls along at a snail's pace.
c. Someone who refuses to dim their lights.
2. Possessions can be a source of temptation.
a. Someone scratches my $2,000 paint job on my Porsche.
b. The kids threw the ball through the window.
c. Someone drew with a ballpoint pen on the new white couch.
3. People are a source of temptation. Some a constant source, others an occasional source.
a. Nothing makes me angrier than someone accusing me of being angry when I'm not.
b. People who do stupid things that inconvenience you.
c. Those who are closest to you are a greater temptation than a casual acquaintance.
4. Tempted by adverse circumstances.
a. Tempted to lie.
b. Tempted to steal or cheat.
c. Tempted to murmur.
A. How can this be possible.
1. I must look at each adversity as an opportunity for growth.
2. Through this experience, I can become bitter or better.
3. I can choose to walk in the Spirit or give over to my ugly flesh.
B. The only way I can count it joy is by looking forward to the good fruit it can develop in my own personal development.
A. "The trying of our faith."
1. It reveals areas of unbelief.
2. I really wasn't trusting the Lord to work it out.
3. I didn't believe God was in control.
B. To develop patience.
1. Patience is a rare virtue in this hyped-up society.
2. Even when a person doesn't know where he is going, he seems in a hurry to get there.
3. It is so important to learn to wait on God; that takes real faith.
4. How does temptation develop patience.
a. By my reacting in the flesh, I learn that nothing is accomplished.
b. I learn by experience it is best to wait on God.
C. When patience has it's complete work, I become mature and complete, lacking nothing.
1. There are areas in my own life where I need to grow up to mature.
a. I know that.
b. God knows that.
c. He loves me and wants to help me mature in those areas so He brings testings along. Many times I fail, sometimes I succeed.
2. Next time you're late for an appointment and stuck in a traffic jam, rejoice. An opportunity to grow.