Intro: Jeremiah began to prophesy in the fifth year of the reign of Josiah. In the eighteenth year of his reign Josiah ordered the Temple repaired. Discovery of Law, keeping of Passover.
A. As the people entered they were probably saying, "The Temple of Jehovah."
1. For many, it was their first time here.
2. Jeremiah began to cry out, "Trust not."
B. Why the rebuke at a time of spiritual renewal?
1. The reform was only surface.
2. Coming to the Temple was the popular vogue thing to do.
a. Their hearts were not truly turned toward God.
b. They still had their idols.
c. Coming to the Temple made them feel good.
d. They felt they had paid God His dues.
e. It was a good place to be seen.
3. The motivation for coming was wrong.
a. Many today attend church out of wrong motivation.
1. Duty or obligation.
2. Don't want people to think I am a total heathen.
C. Why were they lying words?
1. They thought their national safety was secured by this building.
a. Sort of like a good luck charm.
b. Now the Temple is rebuilt, we can defeat our enemies.
c. Trusting more in a building than in God.
2. It is always a sign of spiritual degeneracy when people begin to trust in symbols, instead of God.
a. "I always wear my cross whenever I go out."
b. Millions today trusting church instead of Jesus.
c. They trust in baptism instead of a living relationship.
d. They feel that attending church Sunday morning is fulfilling their obligation to God for the week.
3. They had not ceased their evil ways.
a. They were stealing, murdering, committing adultery, walking after other gods.
b. For these they were to be destroyed out of the land.
c. Coming to Temple or church will not atone for these things.
1. You must repent and forsake your evil ways.
2. Your continuance to do these things while still coming to the house of God constitutes the highest form of blasphemy.
A. I may be fooled and deceived about a lot of things.
1. Men in whom I placed complete and utmost trust deceived me.
a. That's okay. I will survive.
2. I've been fooled many times.
a. I've been left holding the bag waiting for the snipes to run in.
b. Holding the broom with a filled glass of water against the ceiling.
B. When it comes to my eternal destiny, I want the straight truth.
1. I don't want to be deceived.
2. I don't want to trust in lying words, nor do I want to offer to anyone a sense of false security.
3. True salvation is through faith - the kind of faith that manifests itself in a changed life.