To understand the identity of Satan, or the Devil, we must take a look at his career. There are a number of stages in which we can trace his inglorious history, to his well-deserved destiny.
1. Before His Fall
There was a time when this angelic creature was in an unfallen, sinless state. At that time, he, along with the rest of creation, was in one accord with God. Scripture describes him as a high-ranking angel, but does not tell us his name.
2. The Fall
At some time in the dateless past, this angel decided to rebel against God. Lifted up with pride and selfish ambition, he took a large number of angels with him when he rebelled.
3. The Judgment - Loss Of Favored Position
When this occurred, he lost the favored position that he had with the Lord. He was now Satan, or the "adversary."
4. Sin Enters Our World
Since the time of his fall, the Devil has attempted to deceive humanity. His main goal is to turn people away from the worship and service of the Lord. We find him appearing in the Garden of Eden in the form of a serpent. There he tempted Adam and Eve to sin. His temptation succeeded, and sin entered the previously perfect world.
5. Defeated By Christ
As soon as sin entered into our world, the Lord promised to send someone to deal with the problem. Two thousand years ago, God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. Satan attempted to thwart the mission of Christ, but it was without success. The Devil was defeated by Christ - t the cross and then at the resurrection.
6. Present Position: Deceive Humanity
Presently we are in an interval period between the two comings of Christ. Satan is continuing to deceive humanity, as he has done from the beginning.
7. Thrown Down To Earth
In the next step in his judgment, Satan will be thrown out of heaven, and sent down to the earth. This will happen before the Second Coming of Christ.
8. Placed In The Pit
When Christ returns, Satan will be bound and placed in the pit, or the abyss, for a thousand years.
9. Released For A Short Time
At the end of the thousand years, he will be released for a short period of time. At this time he will deceive the people for one last time. After this last deception, Satan, or the Devil, will be once-and-for-all finished causing sin in our universe.
10. Thrown Into The Lake Of Fire
At the Great White Throne judgment, he will be thrown into the lake of fire. There he will be punished forever and ever. This will be his ultimate destiny.
Satan, or the Devil, was a created angel who was perfect in all his ways. When he decided to rebel against God, he brought sin into the universe. He was judged for that sin and his career has been going downhill ever since.