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The Birth of Christ


Richard Newton

Richard Newton
(1813 - 1887)

Newton, of Liverpool, England, a seminary graduate and ordained clergyman, ministered primarily in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania region most of his adult life. Both of his sons became ministers, following in their father’s footsteps. Newton’s wonderful contributions to juvenile literature and sermons for children elicited from Charles Spurgeon the title, “Prince of Preachers to the Young.”

The Birth of Christ

From The Life of Jesus Christ for the Young, Volume II

By Richard Newton (1880)

Digital Edition by Blue Letter Bible

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF

Also available on Amazon Kindle,
or read it for free on Blue Letter Bible.

Excerpt from “The Birth of Christ”

“He came to visit us in great humility!” And yet, what a strange contrast we see, when we look away from the humiliation of his birth, to the great glory that attended him even while he was lodged in the stable, and cradled in the manger! We see this glory in what the angels said about him to the shepherds of Bethlehem. They said that the birth of that child, who was born in such strange humility, should yet be the cause of “great joy to all people.”

About “The Birth of Christ”

“The Birth of Christ” is a 31 page chapter from Richard Newton’s four-volume work, The Life of Jesus Christ for the Young, published in 1880. Newton discusses the time, place, and circumstances of Jesus’ humble arrival upon the earth. This miraculous event in history reveals God’s love for mankind and His divine gift of salvation. We believe the entire family will be blessed while reading this narrative together on the birth of our Savior.

BLB Digital Formatting

We highly value the spiritual content of writings from the saints who have gone before us, and it is a privilege to be able to offer enhanced digital versions to our users. Converting an original book into digital format requires extensive work, including scanning the original book, editing the scanned pages, and capturing characters. We then thoroughly proofread and carefully edit the document to improve the readability of ancient publications. Our digital books may receive the following features:

  • Replace ancient character renderings like: ‘gloriovs to glorious’ and ‘gofpel’ to ‘gospel’
  • Modernize ancient spellings like: ‘Sonne’ to ‘Son’, ‘sinne’ to ‘sin’, and ‘bloud’ to ‘blood’
  • Insert the author’s marginal notes into the text as subheadings
  • Convert Roman numerals to modern numerals in Scripture references
  • Spell out Bible book names
  • Hyperlink each Scripture reference to Blue Letter Bible's Bible search database

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The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.