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The Blue Letter Bible

A Scripture Catechism, in the Method of the Assemblies Q. 20-29

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Q. 20. Did God leave all mankind to perish in the state of sin and misery?

A. God having out of his mere good pleasure from all eternity elected some to eternal life, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of a state of sin and misery, and to bring them into a state of salvation by a Redeemer.

  1. Might not God justly have left all mankind to perish in their fallen state?
    Yes: For in his sight shall no man living be justified, Ps. 143:2.

    Would God have been a loser by it, if they had been left to perish?
    No: For, can a man be profitable to God? Job 22:2.

    But did he leave them to perish?
    No: For the kindness and love of God our Saviour towards man appears, Tit. 3:4.

    Was the case of fallen angels helpless and desperate?
    Yes: For God spared not them, 2 Pet. 2:4.

    But is the case of fallen man so?
    No: For he is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, 2 Pet. 3:9.

    Is God's patience a token for good?
    Yes: The long suffering of our Lord is salvation, 2 Pet. 3:15.

    Does it appear that God has a good will to man's salvation?
    Yes: As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that he turn and live, Ezek. 33:11.

    Is this an encouragement to us all to hope in his mercy?
    Yes: For if the Lord had been pleased to kill us, he would not have showed us such things as these, Judg. 13:23.

  2. Could man help himself out of his state of sin and misery?
    No: For while we were without strength, Christ died for the ungodly, Rom. 5:6.

    Could any creature help us?
    No: For none of them can by any means redeem his brother, Ps. 49:7.

    Could God himself only help us?
    Yes: 0 Israel thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thy help, Hos. 13:9.

    Did God contrive a way for man's recovery?
    Yes: He hath devised means that his banished may not be expelled from him, 2 Sam. 14:14.

    Was it the contrivance of infinite wisdom?
    Yes: It is the wisdom of God in a mystery, ordained before the world for our glory, 1 Cor. 2:7.

    Has he provided a way for our recovery?
    Yes: I have found a ransom, Job 33:24.

  3. Did God particularly design the salvation of a remnant of mankind?
    Yes: There is a remnant according to the election of grace, Rom. 11:5.

    Are there some whom God has chosen?
    Yes: God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, 2 Thes. 2:13.

    Is there a certain number of such?
    Yes: For their names are in the book of life, Phil. 4:3. Rev. 13:8.

    Were they chosen from eternity?
    Yes: He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, Eph. 1:4.

    Were they chosen for the sake of any thing in themselves?
    No: Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, John 15:16.

    But of his mere good pleasure?
    Yes: He hath predestinated us according to the good pleasure of his will, Eph. 1:5.

    Were they chosen to salvation, as the end?
    Yes: God had appointed us to obtain salvation, 1 Thess. 5:9.

    And to sanctification as the means?
    Yes: He has chosen us that we should be holy, Eph. 1:4.

    Was it for the glory of God?
    Yes: That he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, Rom. 9:23.

  4. Shall the election obtain?
    Yes: The purpose of God according to election shall stand, Rom. 9:11.

    Does our salvation begin there?
    Yes: We love him, because he first loved us, 1 John 4:19.

    Are others passed by?
    Yes: When the election hath obtained, the rest are blinded, Rom. 11:7.

    Does God know certainly whom he has chosen?
    Yes: The Lord knows them that are his, 2 Tim. 2:19.

    Do we know it?
    No: For secret things belong not to us, Deut. 29:29.

    Can we know our own election otherwise than by our being sanctified?
    No: We must make our calling, and so make our election, sure, 2 Pet. 1:10.

  5. Were the elect given to Christ?
    Yes: Thine they were, and thou gavest them me, John 17:6.

    Did he undertake their salvation?
    Yes: For this is the Father's will, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, John 6:39.

    Was it promised him that he should effect it?
    Yes: He shall see his seed, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand, Isa. 53:10.

    And was he himself assured of it?
    Yes: All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me, John 6:37.

    And does it always prove so?
    Yes: As many as were ordained to eternal life believed, Acts 13:48.

    And shall any of them miscarry?
    No: For it is said of seducers, they shall deceive, if it were possible, the very elect, Matt. 24:24.

  6. Has God entered into a new covenant, pursuant hereto?
    Yes: For we are not under the law, but under grace, Rom. 6:14.

    Does he insist upon the terms of the first covenant?
    No: He hath not dealt with us after our sins, Ps. 103:10.

    Is he willing to deal with us upon new terms?
    Yes: I will make a new covenant with them, Jer. 31:31.

    Is he willing to be ours in covenant?
    Yes: I will be to them a God, Heb. 8:10.

    Will he accept us as his?
    Yes: They shall be to me a people.

    And will he be at peace with us?
    Yes: God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, 2 Cor. 5:19.

  7. Is this wrought out by a Redeemer?
    Yes: For there is not salvation in any other, Acts 4:12.

    Was that Redeemer of God's own providing?
    Yes: God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, John 3:16.

    Is the new covenant made with us in Christ?
    Yes: For he is the Mediator of the better covenant, Heb. 8:6.

    Is it a covenant much for our advantage?
    Yes: For it is well ordered in all things and sure, 2 Sam. 23:5.

    Is perfect obedience the condition of it?
    No: For if by grace, then it is no more of works, Rom. 11:6.

    Is faith the condition of it?
    Yes: For, by grace ye are saved through faith, Eph. 2:8.

    Is sincerity accepted as our gospel perfection?
    Yes: Walk before me, and be thou perfect, Gen. 17:1.

    Is that which is required in the covenant promised in the covenant?
    Yes: I will cause you to walk in my statutes, Ezek. 36:27.

    Does every transgression in the covenant cast us out of the covenant?
    No: I will visit their transgression with a rod, but my lovingkindness will I not utterly take away, Ps. 89:32, 33.

  8. Will this covenant deliver us out of a state of sin and misery?
    Yes: Whosoever believes in Christ shall not perish John 3:16.

    Will it bring us into a state of salvation?
    Yes: He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, John 3:36.

    And can we desire any more?
    No: It is all my salvation, and all my desire, 2 Sam. 23:5.

  9. Was there intimation given to Adam of this way of salvation by a Redeemer?
    Yes: For it was said to him, That the seed of the woman should break the serpent's head, Gen. 3:15.

    Was it made known to the Old Testament saints?
    Yes: For of this salvation have the prophets inquired, and searched diligently, 1 Pet. 1:10.

    But is it brought to a clearer light in the New Testament?
    Yes: Go preach the gospel to every creature; he that believes shall be saved, and he that believes not shall be damned, Mark 16:15, 16.

    Is this good news to fallen man?
    Yes: Glory be to God in the highest, on earth peace, good-will towards men, Luke 11:14.

    Does this covenant exclude any that do not exclude themselves?
    No: Whosoever will, let him come, and take of the water of life freely, Rev. 22:17.

Q. 21. Who is the Redeemer of God's elect?

A. The only Redeemer of God's elect is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being the eternal Son of God, became man; and so was, and continues to be, God and Man, in two distinct natures, and one person, for ever.

  1. Did mankind need a Redeemer?
    Yes: For by our iniquities we had sold ourselves, Isa. 1:1.

    Did the elect themselves need a Redeemer?
    Yes: For we ourselves also were sometimes disobedient, Tit. 3:3.

    Would there have been a Redeemer if Adam had not sinned?
    No: For they that be whole need not a physician, Matt. 9:12.

    Could an angel have been our Redeemer?
    No: For his angels he charged with folly, Job 4:18.

  2. Is Jesus Christ the Redeemer?
    Yes: There is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, 1 Tim. 2:5.

    Is he the only Redeemer?
    Yes: For there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved, Acts 4:12.

    Is he a universal Redeemer?
    Yes: He gave himself a ransom for all, 1 Tim. 2:6.

    Did he die to purchase a general offer?
    Yes: The Son of Man was lifted up, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, John 3:14, 15.

    Is all the world the better for Christ's mediation?
    Yes: For by him all things consist Col. 1:17.

    Is it long of Christ then that so many perish?
    No: I would have gathered you, and you would not, Matt. 23:37.

  3. Is Christ in a special manner the Redeemer of God's elect?
    Yes: I lay down my life for the sheep, John 10:15.

    Was their salvation particularly designed in Christ's undertaking?
    Yes: Thou has given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him, John 17:2.

    Was their sanctification particularly designed?
    Yes: For their sakes I sanctify myself; that they also might be sanctified, John 17:19.

    Is all mankind redeemed from among devils?
    Yes: For none must say as they did, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God, Matt. 8:2, 9.

    But are the elect redeemed from among men?
    Yes: These were redeemed from among men, Rev. 14:4.

  4. Is the Redeemer LORD?
    Yes: Every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, Phil. 2:11.

    Is he Jesus a Saviour?
    Yes: Thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins, Matt. 1:21.

    Is he Christ anointed?
    Yes: For God, even thy God, hath anointed thee, Heb. 1:9.

    Is he Emmanuel?
    Yes: They shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted, is, God with us, Matt. 1:28.

  5. Is he the Son of God?
    Yes: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God, Matt. 16:16.

    Is he the Eternal Son of God?
    Yes: For he is before all things, Col. 1:17.

    Is he God?
    Yes: Unto the Son he says, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever, Heb. 1:8.

    Is he true God?
    Yes: His Son Jesus Christ is the true God, and eternal life, 1 John 5:20.

    Is he the most high God?
    Yes: For Christ is over all, God, blessed for ever, Rom. 9:5.

    Is he equal with the Father?
    Yes: For he thought it not robbery to be equal with God, Phil. 2:6.

    Is he one with the Father?
    Yes: I and my Father are one, John 10:30.

    Is he to be worshipped as God?
    Yes: For all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father, John 5:28.

    Is he worshipped by the angels?
    Yes: Let all the angels of God worship him, Heb. 1:6.

    And is there good reason for it?
    Yes: For he is the brightness of his Father's glory, Heb. 1:3.

    Was he begotten of his Father before all worlds?
    Yes: Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee, Ps. 2:7.

    Is he the only-begotten Son of God?
    Yes: We beheld his glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father, John 1:14.

  6. Did the Son of God become man?
    Yes: The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, John 1:14.

    Did he come into this world?
    Yes: He came forth from the Father, and came into the world, John 16:28.

    Did he come in the fittest time?
    Yes: When the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, Gal. 4:4.

    Did he come with a full commission?
    Yes: For the Father sanctified him, and sent him into the world, John 10:36.

    Did he come to save us?
    Yes: The son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost, Luke 19:10.

    Did he come to conquer Satan?
    Yes: For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil, 1 John 3:8.

  7. Did the Redeemer take our nature upon him?
    Yes: He was found in fashion as a man, Phil. 2:8.

    Had he a being before his incarnation?
    Yes: Before Abraham was, I am, John 8:58.

    Had he a being before the world?
    Yes: For the same was in the beginning with God, John 1:2.

    Is not his incarnation a great mystery?
    Yes: Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh, 1 Tim. 3:16.

    Is it necessary that we believe it?
    Yes: For he that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God, 1 John 4:3.

    Was Jesus Christ God even when he was upon earth?
    Yes: I am in the Father, and the Father in me, John 14:11.

    Is he man now he is in heaven?
    Yes: For he that descended is the same also that ascended, Eph. 4:10.

  8. Is the Redeemer both God and man?
    Yes: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and he shall be called the mighty God, the everlasting Father, Isa. 9:6.

    Is he both the Son of God, and the Son of man?
    Yes: He was the Son of Adam, he was the Son of God, Luke 3:38.

    Does he continue to be so?
    Yes: For Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, to-day and for ever, Heb. 13:8.

    Was he man that he might suffer?
    Yes: For without shedding of blood is no remission, Heb. 9:22.

    Was he God that he might satisfy?
    Yes: For God has purchased the church with his own blood, Acts 20:28.

    Is he God and man in two distinct natures?
    Yes: For he is both the root and offspring of David, Rev. 22:16. compare Matt. 22:45.

    Is he so in one person?
    Yes: For to us there is but one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him, 1 Cor. 8:6.

    Is he so for ever?
    Yes: He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last, Rev. 22:13.

  9. Is this Jesus the true Messiah promised to the fathers?
    Yes: We know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world, John 4:42.

    Were the Scriptures fulfilled in him?
    Yes: To him give all the prophets witness, Acts 10:43.

    Did his miracles prove his doctrine?
    Yes: The works that I do bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me, John 5:36.

    Did the Father himself bear witness of him?
    Yes: By a voice from heaven saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him, Matt. 17:5.

    May we venture our souls upon this foundation?
    Yes: For this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son, 1 John 5:11.

Q. 22. How did Christ, being the Son of God, become man?

A. Christ the Son of God became man, by taking to himself a true body and a reasonable soul; being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and born of her, yet without sin.

  1. Did Christ the Son of God become man?
    Yes: Forasmuch as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same, Heb. 2:14.

    Was it requisite he should become man?
    Yes: For in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, Heb. 2: 17.

    Has the Son of man the fulness of the Godhead?
    Yes: For in him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, Col. 2: 9.

    Has the Son of God the tenderness of a man?
    Yes: For he was touched with the feeling of our infirmities, Heb. 4:15.

  2. Did Christ take unto himself a true body?
    Yes: A body hast thou prepared me, Heb. 10:5.

    Was it a body like unto ours?
    Yes: For he was in the likeness of sinful flesh, Rom. 8:3.

    Did he take to himself a human soul?
    Yes: For he said, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, Matt. 26:38.

  3. Was he conceived by ordinary generation?
    No: For he said, Ye are beneath, I am from above, John 8:23.

    Was he conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost?
    Yes: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee, Luke 1:35.

    Was he born of the Virgin Mary?
    Yes: The Scripture was fulfilled, Behold a virgin shall be with child, and bring forth a son, Matt. 1:23.

    Was his conception and birth supernatural?
    Yes: That which was conceived in the Virgin Mary was of the Holy Ghost, Matt. 1:20.

    Yet was he really and truly man?
    Yes: For he is not ashamed to call us brethren, Heb. 2:11.

  4. Was Christ the seed of the woman?
    Yes: For he was made of a woman, Gal 4:4.

    Was the Scripture therein fulfilled?
    Yes: For the seed of the woman must break the serpent's head, Gen. 3:15.

    Was he the Son of Abraham?
    Yes: For he took on him the seed of Abraham, Heb. 2:16.

    Was the Scripture therein fulfilled?
    Yes: For it was said to Abraham, In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, Gen. 12:2.

    Was he the Son of David?
    Yes: Hosanna to the Son of David, Matt. 21:9.

    Was the Scripture therein fulfilled?
    Yes: He hath raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David, as he spake by the mouth of all his holy prophets, Luke 1:69,70.

  5. Was Christ born in Bethlehem?
    Yes: To you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, Luke 2:11.

    Was he born among the Jews?
    Yes: Of them as concerning the flesh, Christ came, Rom. 9:5.

    And was it the honour of that nation?
    Yes: He was the glory of his people Israel, Luke 2:32.

    Did he come when the Messiah was expected?
    Yes: They then looked for redemption in Jerusalem, Luke 2:38.

    Did he come when the sceptre was departed from Judah?
    Yes: For then there went out a decree that all the world should be taxed, Luke 2:1.

    Did the angels attend him at his birth?
    Yes: There was a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, Luke 2:13.

  6. Was the Redeemer born in sin as we are?
    No: He was without sin, Heb. 4:15.

    Was he perfectly pure and holy?
    Yes: That holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God, Luke 1:35.

    Was he pure aud holy in his whole life?
    Yes: He did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth, 1 Pet. 2:22.

    Was it requisite he should be so?
    Yes: Such a High Priest became us, that was holy, harmless, and undefiled, Heb. 7:26.

    Could he have satisfied for our sin, if he had had any sin of his own?
    No: For he must through the eternal Spirit offer himself without spot, Heb. 9:14.

  7. Was he subject to the sinless infirmities of our natures?
    Yes: He was in all points tempted like as we are, Heb. 4:15.

    Was he hungry?
    Yes: When he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterwards an hungered, Matt. 4:2.

    Was he weary?
    Yes: Being weary with his journey, he sat on the well, John 4:6.

    Did he sleep?
    Yes: When the ship was covered with waves he was asleep, Matt. 8:24.

    Did he pass through the ages of human life?
    Yes: For Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, Luke 2:52.

  8. Was the Redeemer willing to be incarnate for us?
    Yes: For when he cometh into the world, he saith, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God, Heb. 10:5, 7.

    Is it well for us that he was so?
    Yes: For by this will we are sanctified, Heb. 10:10.

    Was Christ's incarnation great condescension in him?
    Yes: For hereby he was made a little lower than the angels, Heb. 2:9.

    Was it a great honour to our nature?
    Yes: What is man that thou art thus mindful of him? Heb. 2:6-8.

    Is it good news to mankind?
    Yes: This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, 1 Tim. 1:15.

Q. 23. What offices does Christ execute as our Redeemer?

A. Christ as our Redeemer executes the offices of a Prophet, of a Priest, and of a King, both in his state of humiliation and exaltation.

  1. Is Christ a complete Redeemer?
    Yes: For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell, Col. 1:19.

    Is he completely qualified for the undertaking?
    Yes: For God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him, John 3:34.

    Is he authorized for it?
    Yes: For all things are delivered to him of the Father, Matt. 11:27.

    Has he a full commission?
    Yes: For the Father judgeth no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son, John 5:22.

    And has he an ability equal to his authority?
    Yes: For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself, ver. 26.

  2. Is there all that in Christ which fallen man stands in need of?
    Yes: For Christ is all, and in all, Col. 3:11.

    Is he light?
    Yes: I am the light of the world, John 8:12.

    Is he life?
    Yes: In him was life, and the life was the light of men, John 1:4.

    Is he our peace?
    Yes: He is our peace, Eph. 2:14.

    Is he our head?
    Yes: He is the head of the body, the church, Col. 1:18.

    Is he the door?
    Yes: I am the door of the sheep, John 10:7.

    Is he the way?
    Yes: I am the way, the truth, and the life, John 14:6.

    Can we come to God as a Father, otherwise than by Jesus Christ as Mediator?
    No: For no man cometh to the Father but by me, John 14:6.

    Is he our food?
    Yes: I am that bread of life, John 6:48.

    Is he our friend?
    Yes: This is my beloved, and this is my friend, Cant. 5:16.

  3. Is Jesus Christ a Redeemer in office?
    Yes: For God hath exalted him with his own right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, Acts 5:31.

    Is he duly put in office?
    Yes: For him hath God the Father sealed, John 6:27.

    Does he duly execute his office?
    Yes: For he was faithful to him that appointed him, Heb. 3:2.

    Is he a Prophet?
    Yes: This is of a truth that Prophet that should come into the world, John 6:14.

    Is he a Priest?
    Yes: He is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Heb. 3:1.

    Is he a King?
    Yes: He is King of kings, and Lord of lords, Rev. 19:16.

  4. Did Christ execute these offices in his state of humiliation?
    Yes: I have glorified thee on the earth, John 17:4.

    Does he execute them in his state of exaltation?
    Yes: For in heaven itself he now appears in the presence of God for us, Heb. 9:24.

    Is he then an all-sufficient Saviour?
    Yes: He is able to save to the uttermost all those that come to God by him, Heb. 7:25.

    And is he as willing to save as he is able?
    Yes: Whosoever comes unto me I will in no wise cast out, John 6:37.

Q. 24. How does Christ execute the office of a Prophet?

A. Christ executes the office of a Prophet, in revealing to us by his Word and Spirit the will of God for our salvation.

  1. Does Christ execute the office of a Prophet?
    Yes: We know that thou art a Teacher come from God, John 3:2.

    Does God speak to us by him?
    Yes: He hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son, Heb. 1:2.

    Were there prophets under the Old Testament?
    Yes: God sent his servants the prophets, Jer. 25:4.

    But was Christ above them all?
    Yes: For he is the Lord God of the holy prophets, Rev. 22:6. compare Col. 1:11.

    And were they his agents?
    Yes: It was the Spirit of Christ in them that testified, 1 Pet. 1:11.

  2. Was Moses the great type of Christ as a prophet?
    Yes: A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me, Acts 3:22.

    But was Christ greater than Moses?
    Yes: For Moses was faithful as a servant, but Christ as a Son, Heb. 3:5,6.

    And is the doctrine of Christ better than that of Moses?
    Yes: For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, John 1:17.

    Was Christ completely qualified to be a Prophet?
    Yes: For in him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, Col. 2:3.

    Was ever any other so well qualified?
    No: For no man knows the Father, but the Son, Matt. 11: 27.

  3. Has Christ, as a Prophet, revealed God's will to us?
    Yes: For he said, my doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me, John 7:16. and 12:49, 50.

    Has he revealed God's will concerning our duty?
    Yes: For he did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfil, Matt. 5:17.

    And concerning our happiness?
    Yes: For he was anointed to preach the acceptable year of the Lord, Luke 4:18.

  4. Did Christ execute this office when he was on earth?
    Yes: For he taught them as one having authority, Matt. 7:29.

    Did he introduce his doctrine with Thus saith the Lord, like the Old Testament prophets?
    No: But Verily, Verily, I say unto you, John 3:3.

    Did he confirm his doctrine by miracles?
    Yes: Believe me (said he) for the very works' sake, John 14:11.

    Were his miracles many?
    Yes: Many signs did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, John 20:30.

    Were they profitable?
    Yes: He went about doing good, Acts 10:38.

    Did Christ teach by the example of his life?
    Yes: That we might follow his steps, 1 Pet. 2:21.

  5. Does he still execute this office?
    Yes: For he said, I have declared thy name unto them, and will declare it. John 17:26.

    Does he reveal God's will to us by his word?
    Yes: For these things are written that we may believe. John 20:31.

    And by his Spirit?
    Yes: The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost: he shall teach you all things, John 14:26.

    Does Jesus Christ teach his people?
    Yes: All thy children shall be taught of the Lord, Isa. 54:13.

    And does he teach effectually?
    Yes: For the Son of man is come, and hath given us an understanding, 1 John 5:20.

    And does he teach compassionately?
    Yes: For he can have compassion on the ignorant, Heb. 5:2.

  6. Must we learn of this Teacher?
    Yes: Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, Matt. 11:29.

    Are we to receive his doctrine?
    Yes: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, Col. 3:16.

    And must we abide in it?
    Yes: If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed, John 8:31.

Q. 25. How does Christ execute the office of a Priest?

A. Christ executes the office of a Priest, in his once offering up of himself a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice and reconcile us to God, and in making continual intercession for us.

  1. Did fallen man need a Priest? Yes: For every high priest is ordained for man in things pertaining to God, Heb. 5:1.

    Did Christ execute the office of a Priest?
    Yes: We have a great High Priest, Jesus the Son of God, Heb. 4:14.

    Was he appointed to this office?
    Yes: For Christ glorified not himself to be made a High Priest, Heb. 5:5.

    Was he confirmed in this office?
    Yes: For the Lord swore, and will not repent, thou art a Priest for ever, Heb. 7:21.

  2. Did Christ as a Priest, make atonement for sin?
    Yes: He is a merciful and faithful High Priest, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people, Heb. 2:17.

    Did he do this by the sacrifice of himself?
    Yes: He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself, Heb. 9:26.

    Was be himself the Priest?
    Yes: For through the eternal Spirit he offered himself, Heb. 9:14.

    Was he himself the sacrifice?
    Yes: He made his soul an offering for sin, Isa. 53:10.

    Was he himself the altar?
    Yes: For we have an altar, Heb. 13:10.

    Would not the legal sacrifices serve?
    No: For it was not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sin, Heb. 10:4.

    Did God declare them insufficient?
    Yes: Sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not, ver. 5. Was this sacrifice necessary then?
    Yes: What the law could not do, in that it was weak, that Christ did, Rom. 8:3.

  3. Did Christ as a sacrifice, bear our sins?
    Yes: His own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, 1 Pet. 2:24.

    Did he bear them by the Father's appointment?
    Yes: The Lord laid on him the iniquities of us all, Isa. 53:6.

    Did he suffer for them?
    Yes: He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities, ver. 5. And not for any sin of his own?
    No: Messiah shall be cut off, but not for himself, Dan. 9:26.

    Did he suffer to satisfy for sin?
    Yes: He was once offered to bear the sins of many, Heb. 9:28.

    And was the satisfaction accepted?
    Yes: He gave himself for us a sacrifice to God of a sweet smelling savour, Eph. 5:2.

  4. Did Christ offer himself voluntarily?
    Yes: No man taketh my life from me, but I lay it down of myself, John 10:18.

    Was it his own act and deed to make his soul an offering?
    Yes: For he said, Father into thy hands I commend my spirit, Luke 23:46.

    Did this sacrifice need to be repeated?
    No: For by one offering he perfected for ever them that are sanctified, Heb. 10:14.

    Did Christ do this for the purchase of our pardon?
    Yes: For when he did it, he said, Father forgive them, Luke 23:34.

    Was it designed to save us from ruin?
    Yes: He gave his life a ransom for many, Matt. 20:28.

    And to reconcile us to God?
    Yes: For he made peace through the blood of his cross, Col. 1:20.

    Is this our plea for peace and pardon?
    Yes: Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, Rom. 8:34.

    Is Christ then the great propitiation?
    Yes: He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.

    And have we hereby access to God?
    Yes: He suffered the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, 1 Pet. 3:18.

    And had the Old Testament saints the benefit of this sacrifice?
    Yes: For he was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, Rev. 13:8.

  5. Does Christ, as a Priest, make intercession?
    Yes: For he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors, Isa. 53:12.

    Is he always doing this?
    Yes: He ever lives, making intercession, Heb. 7:25.

    Does he do this as an Advocate?
    Yes: If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous, 1 John 2:1.

    And as a High Priest?
    Yes: Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord, Exod. 28:12.

    Does he make intercession in the virtue of his satisfaction?
    Yes: For by his own blood he entered into the holy place, Heb. 9:12.

  6. Is Christ a Priest after the order of Aaron?
    No: But after the order of Melchisedec, Ps. 110:4.

    Is he a royal Priest?
    Yes: For he is a Priest upon his throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between them both, Zech. 6:13.

    Is he a Priest that needs a successor?
    No: For this man, because he continueth forever, hath an unchangeable priesthood, Heb. 7:24.

    Is he a priest that needs a sacrifice for himself?
    No: For the law makes men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath makes the Son, who is consecrated for evermore, Heb. 7:28.

    Have all believers an interest in Christ's priesthood?
    Yes: For we have a High Priest over the house of God, Heb. 10:21.

    Is this an encouragement in our approaches to God?
    Yes: Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, Heb. 4:16.

    And is this it we must depend upon for our acceptance with God?
    Yes: For spiritual sacrifices are acceptable to God only through Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 2:5.

Q. 26. How does Christ execute the office of a King?

A. Christ executes the office of a King, in subduing us to himself, in ruling and defending us, and in restraining and conquering all his and our enemies.

  1. Is Christ put into the office of a King?
    Yes: I have set my King upon my holy hill of Sion, Ps. 2:6.

    Does he execute that office?
    Yes: He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever, Luke 1:33.

    Is he King as Mediator?
    Yes: He hath authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of man, John 5:27.

    Is his kingdom a spiritual kingdom?
    Yes: My kingdom is not of this world, John 18:36.

  2. Is Christ universal monarch?
    Yes: For all power is given to him both in heaven and on earth, Matt. 28:18.

    Has he a right to rule all?
    Yes: He is Lord of all, Acts 10:36.

    Does he rule all?
    Yes: He is the governor among the nations, Ps. 22:28.

    Does he rule all for the good of his church?
    Yes: He is head over all things to the church, Eph. 1:22.

    Is he in a special manner the church's King?
    Yes: 0 daughter of Sion, thy King comes, Zech. 9:9.

  3. Does Christ, as a King, subdue his people to himself?
    Yes: Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, Ps. 110:3.

    Does he do it by the word of his grace?
    Yes: He draws with the cords of a man, and with the bands of love, Hos. 11:4.

    Does he do it effectually?
    Yes: He makes ready a people prepared for the Lord, Luke 1:17.

    Does he conquer the opposition of the carnal mind?
    Yes: For the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds, 2 Cor. 10:4.

    Does he set up his throne in the soul?
    Yes: Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, 2 Cor. 10:5.

    And does he rule there?
    Yes: For he writes his law in their hearts, Heb. 8:10.

  4. Does Christ, as a King, reign in his church?
    Yes: The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King, Isa 33:22.

    Does he enact laws?
    Yes: He gave commandments to his apostles, Acts 1:2.

    Does he commission officers?
    Yes: By me kings reign, Prov. 8:15.

    Does he give judgment?
    Yes: We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, 2 Cor 5:10.

    Is homage and allegiance due to him?
    Yes: For at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, Phil. 2:10.

    Does he rule in righteousness?
    Yes; The sceptre of his kingdom is a right sceptre, Ps. 45:6.

  5. Does Christ, as a King, protect his subjects?
    Yes: For he shall be as a hiding place from the wind, Isa 32:2.

    And does he secure the peace of his kingdom?
    Yes: For this man shall be the peace, Mic. 5:5.

    Has he authority to pardon sin?
    Yes: The Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sin, Matt. 9:6.

    Has he authority to reward services?
    Yes: I will give thee a crown of life, Rev. 2:10.

  6. Does Christ, as King, restrain his enemies?
    Yes: On this Rock will I build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, Matt. 16:18.

    Will he conquer them at last?
    Yes: For he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet, 1 Cor 15:25.

    Will he conquer death itself?
    Yes: The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death, 1 Cor 15:26.

    Does he count those his enemies that will not have him to reign over them?
    Yes: Those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me, Luke 19:27.

  7. Is Christ a merciful King?
    Yes: He is meek, and having salvation, Zech. 9:9.

    Is he the poor man's King?
    Yes: He shall deliver the needy when he cries, Ps. 72:12.

    Has he a large kingdom?
    Yes: He shall have dominion from sea to sea, Ps. 72:8.

    Have we reason to hope it shall be larger than now it is?
    Yes: For the kingdoms of the world are become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ, Rev. 11:15.

    Shall it be a lasting kingdom?
    Yes: His throne shall be as the days of heaven, Ps. 89:29.

    And when the mystery of God shall be finished, shall the kingdom of the Redeemer be resigned to the creator?
    Yes: Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the father, 1 Cor 15:24.

  8. Ought we to rejoice in Christ's dominion?
    Yes: Let the children of Sion be joyful in their King, Ps. 149:2.

    Must we accept him for our King?
    Yes: Take my yoke upon you, Matt. 11:29.

    Must we pay tribute to him?
    Yes: Send ye the Lamb to the ruler of the land, Isa. 16:1.

    Must we obey him?
    Yes: For he is the Author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him, Heb. 5:9.

Q. 27. Wherein did consist Christ's humiliation?

A. Christ's humiliation consisted in his being born, and that in a low condition, made under the law, undergoing the miseries of this life, the wrath of God, and the cursed death of the cross; in being buried, and continuing under the power of death for a time.

  1. Did Jesus Christ humble himself?
    Yes: For being in the form of God, he made himself of no reputation, Phil. 2:6, 7.

    Was it a deep humiliation?
    Yes: For he said, I am a worm, and no man, Ps. 22:6.

    Was it requisite he should humble himself?
    Yes: For thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, Luke 24:46.

    And was that a proper expedient to atone for our sin?
    Yes: For the sinner had said, I will be like the Most High, Isa. 14:14.

  2. Did Christ humble himself in his birth?
    Yes: For he who thought it not robbery to be equal with God, was made in the likeness of men, Phil. 2:6, 7.

    Was he born of that which was then a poor family?
    Yes: He was a root of dry ground, Isa. 53:2.

    Was he born of a poor woman?
    Yes: For she offered for her cleansing only a pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons, Luke 2:24. compare Lev. 12:8.

    Was his supposed father a poor man?
    Yes: They said, Is not this the carpenter's son, Matt. 13:55.

    Was lie born in a poor place?
    Yes: Bethlehem was little among the thousands of Judah, Mic. 5:2.

    Was he born in poor circumstances?
    Yes: In the stable of an inn, and laid in a manger, Luke 2:7.

    Had he respect paid him that was due to an incarnate Deity?
    No: For he was in the world, and the world knew him not, John 1:10.

    Was he respected by his countrymen?
    No: He came to his own, but his own received him not, v.11.

    Was he born honourably?
    No: For he took upon him the form of a servant, Phil. 2:7.

    Was he born wealthy?
    No: Though he was poor het for our sakes he became poor, 2 Cor. 8:9.

  3. Was Christ made under the law?
    Yes: God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, Gal. 4:4.

    Was he circumcised?
    Yes: When eight days were accomplished, Luke 2:21.

    Was he presented in the temple?
    Yes: They brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, ver. 22.

    Did he keep the passover?
    Yes: When he was twelve years old, he went up to Jerusalem, after the custom of the feast, ver. 42.

    Was he obedient to his parents?
    Yes: He went down with them to Nazareth, and was subject to them, ver. 51.

    Did he pay tribute?
    Yes: That give for me and thee, Matt. 17:24, 27.

    Did he fulfil all righteousness?
    Yes: Thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness, Matt. 3:15.

    Did he submit to the law of the mediatorship?
    Yes: Thy law is within my heart, Ps. 40:8.

  4. Was his education mean?
    Yes: For they said, Is not this the carpenter? Mark 6:3.

    Was the place of his abode despicable?
    Yes: Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? John 1:46.

    Did he live in honour?
    No: For he was despised and rejected of men, Isa. 53:3.

    Was he attended by great folks?
    No: Have any of the rulers, or of the Pharisees believed on him? John 7:48.

    Were his followers mean?
    Yes: For they were fishers, Matt. 4:18.

    Did he live in mirth and pleasure?
    No: He was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, Isa. 53:3.

    Was the sin of sinners a grief to him?
    Yes: He was grieved for the hardness of their hearts, Mark 3:5.

    Were the sorrows of his friends a grief to him?
    Yes: Jesus wept, John 11:35.

    Had he a house of his own?
    No: Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head, Luke 9:58.

    Was he fed with the finest of the wheat?
    No: He had barley-loaves, John 6:9.

    Did lie live upon alms?
    Yes: For certain women ministered to him of their substance, Luke 8:3.

    Had he a stately place to preach in?
    No: He taught the people out of the ship, Luke 5:8.

  5. Was he tempted of Satan?
    Yes: He was in the wilderness forty days tempted of Satan, Mark 1:13.

    Was that a part of his sufferings?
    Yes: For he suffered, being tempted, Heb. 2:18.

    Was he persecuted betimes?
    Yes: Herod sought the young child to destroy him, Matt. 2:13.

    Was he slandered and reproached?
    Yes: They said of him, Behold a gluttonous man, and a wine-bibber, a friend of publicans and sinners, Luke 7:34.

    Was he represented as a madman?
    Yes: They said, He hath a devil, and is mad, John 10:20.

    And as one that is in league with the devil?
    Yes: They said, He casteth out devils by Beelzebub the prince of the devils, Matt. 12:24.

    Did they cavil at his preaching?
    Yes: He endured the contradiction of sinners against himself, Heb. 12:3.

    Did lie bear all this patiently?
    Yes: When lie was reviled, he reviled not again, 1 Pet. 2:23.

  6. But notwithstanding this, had he honour done him in his humiliation?
    Yes: For it was said of him, He shall be great, Luke 1:32.

    Did God put honour upon him?
    Yes: He received from God the Father honour and glory, 2 Pet. 1:17.

    Did angels do him honour?
    Yes: Behold, angels came and ministered to him, Matt. 4:11.

    Did foreigners do him honour?
    Yes: Wise men of the east came to worship him, Matt. 2:2.

    Did the common report of the people do him honour?
    Yes: For some said he was Elias, others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets, Matt. 16:14.

    Did those that saw his miracles do him honour?
    Yes: For they said, it was never so seen in Israel, Matt. 9:33.

    Did inferior creatures do him honour?
    Yes: Even the winds and the seas obeyed him, Matt. 8:27.

    Were devils themselves compelled to acknowledge him?
    Yes: For they said, We know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God, Mark 1:24.

  7. Did he humble himself unto death?
    Yes: He humbled himself, and became obedient to death, Phil. 2:8.

    Did he die for us?
    Yes: He was delivered for our offences, Rom. 4:25.

    Was this according to the counsels of God?
    Yes: He was delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, Acts 2:23.

    Did he suffer in his soul?
    Yes: For he said, Now is my soul troubled, John 12:27.

    Did he suffer from his Father ?
    Yes: He was stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted, Isa. 53:4.

    Did he suffer in soul from his Father?
    Yes: For he put him to grief, ver. 10.

    Did this put him into an agony?
    Yes: He began to be sorrowful, and very heavy, Matt. 26:37.

    Did he suffer this for us?
    Yes: For he made him sin for us who knew no sin, 2 Cor. 5:21.

    And yet did the Father love him even when he bruised him?
    Yes: Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, John 10:17.

  8. Did he suffer from Satan?
    Yes: Thou shall bruise his heel, Gen. 3:15.

    Did Satan set upon him?
    Yes: The prince of this world cometh, John 14:30.

    But did Satan conquer him?
    No: He hath nothing in me, John 14:30.

    Did he suffer from the Jews?
    Yes: For they cried, Crucify him, crucify him, Luke 23:21.

    Did he suffer from the chief of the Jews?
    Yes: He was the stone which the builders refused, Ps. 118:29.

    Did he suffer from the Romans?
    Yes: The princes of this world crucified the Lord of glory, 1 Cor. 2:8.

    Was he betrayed by Judas?
    Yes: They put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot to betray him, John 13:2.

    Was he sold for thirty pieces of silver?
    Yes: A goodly price that I was prized at, Zech. 11:13.

    Was he forsaken by his own disciples?
    Yes: All his disciples forsook him, and fled, Matt. 26:56.

  9. Was he falsely accused?
    Yes: They sought false witnesses against him to put him to death, Matt. 26:59.

    Was he basely abused?
    Yes: He hid not his face from shame and spitting, Isa. 1:6.

    Was he condemned as a blasphemer?
    Yes: They said, He hath spoken blasphemy, Matt. 26:65.

    Was he condemned as a traitor?
    Yes: For they said he perverted the nation, forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, Luke 23:2.

    Was he scourged?
    Yes: For by his stripes we are healed, Isa. 53:5.

    Was he exposed to contempt ?
    Yes: He was a reproach of men, and despised of the people, Ps. 22:6.

    Did they scoff at him as a prophet?
    Yes: They said, Prophesy who smote thee, Matt. 26:68.

    Did they scoff at him as a King?
    Yes: They said, Hail, King of tile Jews, Matt. 27:29.

    Did they scoff at him as a Priest and Saviour?
    Yes: They said, He saved others, himself he cannot save, Matt. 27:42.

  10. Was he sentenced to the cross?
    Yes: Pilate delivered him to be crucified, Matt. 27:26.

    Was he crucified between two thieves?
    Yes: He was numbered with the transgressors, Isa. 53:12.

    Did he die a bloody death?
    Yes: For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul, Lev. 17:11.

    Did he die a painful death?
    Yes: They pierced his hands and feet, Ps. 22:16.

    And a shameful death?
    Yes: He endured the cross, despising the shame, Heb. 12:2.

    And accursed death?
    Yes: For he that is hanged is accursed of God, Deut. 21:23. Gal. 3:13.

    Did God seem to withdraw from him in his sufferings?
    Yes: He cried with a loud voice, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matt. 27:46.

  11. Did Christ die to glorify God?
    Yes: For this cause came I to this hour. Father, glorify thy name, John 12:27, 28.

    Did he die to satisfy for our sins?
    Yes: It was to finish transgression, and to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, and bring in everlasting righteousness, Dan 9:14.

    Did he die to conquer Satan?
    Yes: He spoiled principalities and powers, triumphing over them in his cross, Col. 2:15.

    Did he die to save us from sin?
    Yes: He gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, Titus 2:14.

    Did he die to purchase heaven for us?
    Yes: For it is the purchased possession, Eph. 1:14. Heb. 9:15.

    Was he in his death made a curse for us?
    Yes: For Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, Gal. 3:13.

    Did Christ sweat for us?
    Yes: His sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood, Luke 22:44.

    And thorns being also a fruit of the curse, did Christ wear them for us ?
    Yes: They platted a crown of thorns and put it upon his head, Matt. 27:29.

  12. Did Christ do all that was to be done in his sufferings for us?
    Yes: He said, It is finished, John 19:30.

    Did the events answer the predictions?
    Yes: For the Scriptures must be fulfilled, Mark 14:49.

    Are we sure that Christ was truly dead ?
    Yes: For one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came thereout blood and water, and he that saw it bare record, John 19:34, 35.

    Did Christ die as a martyr?
    Yes: For before Pontius Pilate he witnessed a good confession, 1 Tim. 6:13.

    Did he die as a testator ?
    Yes: For where a testament is, there must needs be the death of the testator, Heb. 9:16.

    Did he die as a sacrifice ?
    Yes: Christ our passover is sacrificed for us, 1 Cor. 5:7.

  13. Was there honour done to Christ even in his sufferings?
    Yes: The earth did quake, and the rocks rent, and the graves were opened, Matt. 27:51.

    And were some thereby convinced ?
    Yes: They feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God, Matt. 27:54.

    Is the cross of Christ then a reproach to us?
    No: God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, Gal. 6:14.

    Is it what we should all be acquainted with ?
    Yes: I determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ, and him crucified, 1 Cor. 2:12.

    And ought we to celebrate the praises of our crucified Saviour?
    Yes: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive honour, and glory, and blessing, Rev. 5:12.

  14. When Christ was dead, was he buried ?
    Yes: They took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre, Acts 13:29.

    Was he buried according to the custom?
    Yes: As the manner of the Jews is to bury, John 19:40.

    Did he continue under the power of death for a time?
    Yes: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, Matt. 12:40.

    Was this his descent into hell?
    Yes: He descended into the lower parts of the earth, Eph. 4:9.

    Did his separate soul go to paradise ?
    Yes: This day shalt thou be with me in paradise, Luke 23:43.

    Did his body see corruption?
    No: Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption, Acts 2:27.

Q. 28. Wherein consists Christ's exaltation?

A. Christ's exaltation consists in his rising again from the dead on the third day, in ascending up into heaven, in sitting at the right hand of God the Father, and in coming to judge the world at the last day.

  1. Is Jesus Christ exalted?
    Yes: Because he humbled himself, therefore God also hath highly exalted him, Phil. 2:9.

    Was his humiliation the way to exaltation?
    Yes: He suffered these things, and so entered into his glory, Luke 24:26.

    Was his exaltation the reward of his humiliation?
    Yes: I have glorified thee on the earth, and now O Father, glorify thou me, John 17:5.

    Had he it in his eye in his sufferings?
    Yes: For the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross, Heb. 12:2.

  2. Was his resurrection the first step of his exaltation?
    Yes: He was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 1 Cor. 15:4.

    Did he continue always in the hands of death?
    No: For it was impossible he should be holden of them, Acts 2:24.

    Did he rise to life?
    Yes: He both rose and revived, Rom. 14:9.

    Did the same body rise?
    Yes: Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself, Luke 24:39.

    Is he the same Jesus still?
    Yes: I am he that liveth, and was dead, Rev. 1:18.

    Did he lie in the grave all the Jewish sabbath?
    Yes: For he rose in the end of the sabbath, Matt. 28:1.

    Did he rise the same day of the week?
    Yes: As it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, Matt. 28:1.

    Have we sufficient proof of his resurrection?
    Yes: He showed himself alive, by many infallible proofs, Acts 1:3.

    Did he rise to die no more?
    Yes: Death hath no more dominion over him, Rom. 6:9.

  3. Did Christ rise by his own power?
    Yes: Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up, John 2:19. and 10:18.

    Was that a divine power?
    Yes: For he was crucified through weakness, but he lived by the power of God, 2 Cor. 13:4.

    Was it the great proof of his being the Son of God?
    Yes: He was declared to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, Rom. 1:4.

    Was it the will of the Father he should rise?
    Yes: For the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came, and rolled back the stone, Matt. 28:2.

    Did the Father raise him?
    Yes: God raised him from the dead, Acts 13:30.

    Was this an evidence of the acceptance of his satisfaction?
    Yes: For he was raised again for our justification, Rom. 4:25.

    And we may plead it?
    Yes: It is Christ that died, yea, rather, that is risen again, Rom. 8:34.

  4. Did Christ rise as a public person?
    Yes: For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead, 1 Cor. 15:21.

    Are true believers raised with him to a spiritual life ?
    Yes: Be hath quickened us together with Christ, Eph. 2:5.

    And shall they be shortly raised to eternal life?
    Yes: Christ the first-fruits, afterward they that are Christ's at his coming, 1 Cor. 15:23.

    Is the resurrection of Christ one of the great foundations of Christianity?
    Yes: If Christ be not risen, our faith is vain, ver. 14.

  5. Did Christ stay on earth forty days after his resurrection?
    Yes: He was seen of them forty days, Acts 1:3.

    Did he then ascend up into heaven?
    Yes: While he blessed them he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven, Luke 24:51.

    Did he ascend in a cloud?
    Yes: A cloud received him out of their sight, Acts 1:9.

    Was he welcome in heaven?
    Yes: When the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, he came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him, Dan. 7:13.

  6. Was it for our advantage that he ascended up into heaven?
    Yes: It is expedient for you that I go away, John 16:7.

    Did he ascend as a conqueror?
    Yes: When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, Eph. 4:8.

    Did he ascend as our forerunner?
    Yes: As the forerunner he is for us entered, Heb. 6:20.

    Is he gone to prepare a place for us?
    Yes: I go to prepare a place for you, John 14:2.

    Did he enter as our High Priest, within the veil?
    Yes: By his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, Heb. 9:12.

  7. Did he sit at the right hand of God?
    Yes: He is seated on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, Heb. 8:1.

    Has he authority to sit there?
    Yes: The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Ps. 110:1.

    Is he there now?
    Yes: He is even at the right hand of God, Rom. 8:34.

    Has he been seen there?
    Yes: Stephen said, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God, Acts 7:56.

    Will he continue there?
    Yes: The heavens must receive him till the restitution of all things, Acts 3:21.

    Has he the highest honour there?
    Yes: God hath given him a name above every name, Phil. 2:9.

    Has he the sovereign power there?
    Yes: For angels, authorities, and powers are made subject to him, 1 Pet. 3:22.

    Is he Lord of all there?
    Yes: Thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands, Heb. 2:7.

    Ought we therefore to have our hearts in heaven?
    Yes: Seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God, Col. 3:1.

  8. Will Christ come again?
    Yes: If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, John 14:3.

    Are you sure he will come again?
    Yes: For he said, Surely I come quickly, Rev. 22:20.

    Will he come in glory?
    Yes: He shall come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, Matt. 24:30.

    Will his angels attend him?
    Yes: He shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, Matt. 25:31.

    Will he come publicly ?
    Yes: Behold he comes in the clouds, and every eye shall see him, Rev. 1:7.

  9. Will Christ come to judge the world?
    Yes: God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained, Acts 17:31.

    Will he come to the terror of all his enemies?
    Yes: They also which pierced him shall wail because of him, Rev. 1:7.

    Will he come to the comfort of all his faithful followers?
    Yes: To them that look for him, he will appear the second time unto salvation, Heb. 9:28.

    Will this be at the last day?
    Yes: I will raise him up at the last day, John 6:39.

    Ought we to wait for that day?
    Yes: Looking for the blessed hope, and the glorious appearance of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, Tit. 2:13.

Q. 29. How are we made partakers of the redemption purchased by Christ?

A. We are made partakers of the redemption purchased by Christ, by the effectual application of it to us by his Holy Spirit.

  1. Is redemption purchased by Christ?
    Yes: He obtained eternal redemption for us, Heb. 9:12.

    Is he then the Author of it?
    Yes: He became the Author of salvation, Heb. 5:9.

    Is it redemption by price?
    Yes: Ye are bought with a price, 1 Cor. 6:20.

    Is it a redemption by power?
    Yes: For he hath led captivity captive, Ps. 68:18.

    Is this redemption offered to all?
    Yes: He hath proclaimed liberty to the captives, Isa. 61:1.

    May all that will take the benefit of it ?
    Yes: Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, Isa. 55:1.

    Have all the world therefore some benefit by it?
    Yes: Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature, Mark 16:15.

    But have all the world a like benefit by it?
    No: Thou wilt manifest thyself to us, and not unto the world, John 14:22.

  2. Is it enough for us that there is a redemption purchased?
    No: For there are those who deny the Lord who bought them, 2 Pet. 2:1.

    Is it enough to hear of it?
    No: For to some it is a savour of death unto death, 2 Cor. 2:16.

    Is it enough to have a name among the redeemed?
    No: Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead, Rev. 3:1.

    Is it necessary therefore that we be partakers of the redemption?
    Yes: That we may say, Who loved me, and gave himself for me, Gal. 2:20.

    Do all partake of it?
    No: Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter, Acts 8:21.

    Do all believers partake of it?
    Yes: We are made partakers of Christ, Heb. 2:14.

    Do they receive the Redeemer?
    Yes: We have received Christ Jesus the Lord, Col. 2:6.

    Do any receive this of themselves?
    No: A man can receive nothing except it be given him from above, John 3:27.

  3. Must the redemption be applied to us?
    Yes: It is Christ in you the hope of glory, Col. 1:27.

    Is it the Spirit's work to apply it?
    Yes: For it is the Spirit that quickens, John 6:68.

    Is he sent for that purpose?
    Yes: He shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you, John 16:15.

    Is he sent in Christ's name?
    Yes: He is the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, John 14:26.

    Have we as much need of the Spirit to apply the redemption to us, as of the Son to purchase it for us?
    Yes: For when Christ had purchased it, it was expedient for us he should go away, that he might send the Comforter, John 16:7.

  4. Is the Spirit given to the church in general?
    Yes: Another Comforter shall abide with you for ever, John 14:16.

    Is he promised to particular persons?
    Yes: Turn ye at my reproof; behold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you, Prov. 1:28.

    Are we to pray for the Spirit then?
    Yes: Our heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him, Luke 11:13.

    Do all believers receive of the Spirit?
    Yes: God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, Gal. 4:6.

    Is he their teacher?
    Yes: He shall teach them all things. Is he their remembrancer?
    Yes: He shall bring all things to their remembrance, John 14:26.

    Is he the earnest?
    Yes: He hath given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts, 2 Cor. 1:22.

    Does he begin the good work of grace in the heart?
    Yes: For when he is come, he shall convince, John 16:8.

    And does he perfect it?
    Yes: For he hath wrought us for the selfsame thing, 2 Cor. 5:5.

DISCLAIMER: Creeds, catechisms, and confessions do not replace Scripture, nor the authority of Scripture. The creeds, catechisms and confessions are included herein for purposes of reference. Blue Letter Bible aims to provide resources that cover a range of traditional, orthodox, conservative Christianity, for the benefit of all of our users. The inclusion of the creeds, catechisms, and confessions does not necessarily mean that the ministry agrees with each and every point in each, since some are coming from different Christian perspectives of faith, practice and worship. The user may find them useful as tools to assist in understanding or teaching the Scriptures, since they were drafted based upon Scripture. Used in their proper context, they can continue to aid us as much today as they did for our forefathers in centuries past.

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The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.