Intro: Story of interest: basic things of soul...a man wanting to get alone with God & God accommodating Him by becoming a man in order to meet him on his level. Theophanies
A. He was coming face to face with his past.
1. Past is not always behind us.
2. He is returning home after 20 years, but why did he leave home?
3. Hours that we all face when we must come face to face with past.
4. He was a shrewd, astute, bargain driving man.
a. "With my staff I crossed over this Jordan..."
b. Still he was troubled & disturbed.
5. A man seeking vest for his soul.
a. Experiences with Laban unsatisfactory.
b. Wealth did not bring him comfort.
c. "I have seen God face to face & my life was preserved."
A. This had been quite a day for him.
1. Laban had left that morning.
a. pile of stones Mizpah
2. Jacob then saw a host of angels.
"This is God's host" Mahanaim (place of 2 hosts).
3. He arranged the presents for Esau.
4. Now he seeks solitude with God.
5. "And Jacob was left alone, & there wrestled with him a man until the breaking of the day."
6. Against this strange encounter Jacob exerted all his strength through the night.
a. The tremendous resisting power of Jacob.
b. God was trying to break this man's will.
c. But Jacob resisted.
7. As long as he was a whole man God could not conquer him.
a. The central area of his life was wrong.
1. He had faith in God all right.
2. Great confidence in self, he was always trying to help God accomplish His will.
8. Today maybe you also are striving against God as did Jacob.
9. God now uses another tactic toward morning, He cripples Jacob.
a. This does not always conquer a man but it gives him a new opportunity.
b. The crippling perhaps caused Jacob to realize this was not a man but God. That which he desired happened.
c. Many a man desiring to meet God has come to grips with Him without realizing.
10. Now as the day began to break the wrestler said, "Let me go for the day breaketh." "I will not let thee go except thou bless me. Not the demand of a victor."
Hosea - "with strong crying & tears."
He wrestled God to a draw.
then when crippled in his weakness.
he cried unto God & prevailed.
"What is thy name?
In submission to God he found the place of power. God puts Himself between a man & his past...in the morning when he met Esau no present necessary. Esau meets him in love & tenderness. Are your past sins haunting you? Let God put Himself between you and your past.