Intro: The marvel that God, the infinite creator, would speak to finite man. God wants to speak with you.
A. To reveal Himself to man.
1. Man innately knows that God exists.
a. "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God."
b. Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools.
2. What is God really like?
a. Can we look at man and know?
1. Man was created in the image of God.
2. "O brother, I see God in you."
3. "Keep looking, before long you'll also see the devil in me."
b. Adam made an image of God, but he fell.
1. We may still possess some God-like traits.
c. Only as we look at Jesus Christ can we see a true image of God.
1. "No man hath seen the Father..."
2. "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father."
3. What does God want of me?
a. As my creator, He surely has some rights to me. I must owe Him something.
b. How hard it is to please someone who will not let their wishes be known.
B. To create a basis for fellowship.
1. "Can two walk together unless they are agreed?"
2. There are some people who by their lifestyles preclude any real fellowship with me.
a. Their mouth is as an open cesspool.
b. Their thoughts are continually toward filth.
c. I have no desire to be near them.
d. If they should say to me, I like you, I would like to get close to you.
e. If you want to be close to me, this is what you will have to do.
3. God wants you to be close to Him.
a. The benefits are mainly one way.
1. I don't know how He benefits.
2. But I know I benefit immensely.
b. To be close to Him, I must conform to His pattern.
1. Here is where many err; they try to change God to conform to their patterns.
A. By the prophets. "God who at different times and in different ways spoke to our fathers by the prophets."
1. God has used man at times for His spokesmen.
a. That is the purpose of my being here.
1. Not to make a speech.
2. Not to preach a sermon.
3. To deliver to you a message from God.
2. The problem is the false prophets.
a. They have always been around.
b. They will increase in the last days.
c. Jesus warned us to beware of them.
3. God guided the recording of the true prophets, so that all else may be judged.
a. When the revelation was complete, He put a solemn curse on anyone who would seek to add or take away.
b. We are only to seek to understand.
c. I have no new revelations from God for you. seek to bring you understanding.
B. Multiplied visions.
1. The prophets saw things in their minds. They were like dreams, they were living through the experience and recorded it.
C. Used similitude's.
1. Jeremiah at the potter's house.
2. Jesus said: consider the birds, lilies, isn't God speaking to you through these?
3. Close call in England.
4. You woke up this morning.
5. As the sun goes down this evening.
6. Every time you eat.