It is a very popular idea that angels carry believers into God's presence upon their death. Does the Bible teach that angels transport believers when they die?
Believers With Christ Immediately
The Bible teaches that those who die in Christ are immediately brought into His presence.
Yes, we do have confidence, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8).
Being absent from the body means being immediately with the Lord.
Brought By Angels
It seems that angels are the ones who transport believers into God's presence. Jesus asserted this in a story that He told.
The poor man died and was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried (Luke 16:22).
According to this passage, when believers die, angels bring them into God's presence. Since angels are called ministering spirits, the transporting of the believing dead seems to be one of their ministries. Though this is the only passage in Scripture that speaks to this subject, there is no indication that this example is an abnormal occurrence.
Believers who die go to be immediately with the Lord. Jesus told the story of angels transporting one particular believer at his death into the presence of the Lord. Though this is the only passage in the Bible that deals with this subject, it does seem to teach that this is one of the many ministries of angels. Thus today when a believer dies, we assume that angels bring them into the presence of the Lord.